Weekly Timesheets

Weekly timesheets works in conjunction with the existing Time Tracking feature to offer a customizable method of capturing time entries in a weekly format.

To track time with weekly timesheets, an administrator should go to Setup > Company > Enable Features and select the Employee subtab. In Time & Expenses check the Time Tracking and Weekly Timesheets boxes, and click Save.

Weekly timesheets contain added features when used with Workforce Management (WFM) and Field Service Management (FSM) SuiteApps. For more information, see Tracking Weekly Timesheets with WFM and FSM Hours.


If your company uses weekly time tracking, see Weekly Time Tracking.


If your company has enabled the Weekly Timesheet Interface, the user interface will differ slightly from the steps described below.

Using Weekly Timesheets

To use weekly timesheets:

  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Weekly Timesheet.

  2. Select the employee whose time you are recording. If a timesheet for the selected employee and week already exists, NetSuite loads the existing timesheet.

  3. In the Week of field, enter the first day of the week you want to track time for, or click the Screenshot showing a calendar icon that you can click when recording an employee's time in a timesheet. icon to choose a date. NetSuite loads a new or existing timesheet.

    NetSuite inserts the date that the current week begins as the posting date of this week's time.

    You can set the day your company's business week starts by going to Setup > Company > General Preferences. Select the day from the First Day of Week list.


    If you change the first day of the week preference for your company, the newly selected first day of the week will be used for any new timesheets. Any existing timesheets will remain unchanged. New timesheets may be shorter to accommodate the new first day of the week. The first day of the week preference can be set at the company, subsidiary (for OneWorld accounts), and user level. Weekly Timesheets is only affected by the company and subsidiary preference. The user level preference has no effect on the first day of the week for weekly timesheets.

  4. If you use Project Management, you can import any planned time entries for the selected employee and week. Click Import Planned Time to automatically import the project time entries for the current week.

  5. On the Enter Time subtab, in the Customer column, select a customer or project if the time worked is for a customer or project.

    If you use NetSuite OneWorld, the Intercompany Time and Expense feature and the related Intercompany Time accounting preference determine whether you can select a customer or project with a subsidiary different from yours. If the feature is not enabled, or if the preference is set to Disallow, you cannot enter intercompany time transactions. Instead, you can select only those customers or projects with the same subsidiary to which you are assigned. For more information, see Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses.

  6. If you use the Project Management feature and selected a project in the Customer field, use the Case/Task/Event column to select an activity associated with the project and time.

  7. If your company uses multi-state calculations for payroll, select a Payroll Item Workplace.

  8. Ensure that the Billable box is checked if the time is billable to a customer or project.


    In NetSuite CRM+, the Billable box is not available. NetSuite CRM+users cannot record billable time, invoice customers for billable time, or record time for payroll items.

  9. Select a payroll item if you are tracking time for payroll.

  10. Select the service that was provided if you track time spent on services.

    If the Billable box is enabled, you must select a service item.

    If you use NetSuite OneWorld, it is recommended that you set up service items that are available to all subsidiaries, for use in intercompany time transactions. In these transactions, users cannot save lines unless they contain service items available to both the employee subsidiary and customer subsidiary. See Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses.

  11. Select a department, class, or location if you track this information.


    If you use NetSuite OneWorld and you are entering intercompany time transactions, you must determine a strategy for using classifications on these transactions. Best practice is to omit them. For more information, see Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses.

  12. If the Override Rates on Time Records preference has been enabled on the Time & Expenses subtab at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences, the following fields display:

    • Price Level -Select a price level. You can use different price levels by going to Setup > Enable Features > Customers/Sales, and checking the Use Multiple Prices box.

    • Rate -If you selected a price in the Price Level field, it automatically appears here. If you do not use multiple prices or if you selected Custom in the Price Level field, enter a rate for this time transaction. If you are entering time for a payroll item like vacation time, leave this field blank.

    • Lock this Rate -If you are billing this time back to a customer, check this box to lock the rate you enter so it's not affected by rate changes that happen before the customer is billed. If you are entering time for a payroll item like vacation time, leave this field blank.

  13. Enter a memo.

    If you are billing this time back to a customer or project, this memo appears as a description for this line item on the customer invoice.


    Always select an activity in the Case/Task/Event or Service Item fields before entering a memo. When you select a case, task, event, or service item, the memo field is automatically populated with information from these records. Anything you entered in the memo field prior to selecting one of these records will be deleted. Changing your selection in either of these fields will update the memo field with any information from the newly selected record.

  14. Enter the hours for each day in this week.

  15. Click Add.

  16. Repeat steps above for each customer or project you need to enter time against.

  17. Click Save to save the entries. If you use Advanced Approvals, you can also click Save & Submit to save and submit the entries.

When a timesheet is saved, the time then appears on the Time Details subtab of the timesheet for that week.

If you billed time back to a customer or project, it appears when you click Billable Time on the corresponding invoice page.

If you tracked time for hourly wage payroll items, it appears in the Hours column for this employee on the Payroll Run page.

Weekly timesheets can be edited even if some or all of the time entries have been approved. Individual time entries with a status of approved or pending approval are locked and cannot be edited. You can add new time entries to weekly timesheets that have been fully approved. Any submitted weekly timesheet that has been edited must be resubmitted for approval.

Copying a Previous Weekly Timesheet

In addition to entering new time each week, you can also copy the time entries from a previous week on to the current week.

To copy a previous weekly timesheet:

  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Weekly Timesheet.

  2. Click Copy from Week. A window opens with the start date of the previous week’s time automatically populated.

  3. In the Date field, you can accept the date automatically entered or use the date selector to select a different date.

  4. If your company enables employees to choose to copy hours and memos, clear the Copy Hours and Memos box if you do not want hours and memos from the selected week to be copied to the current week.

  5. Click Copy. Time entries within the selected week are copied to the weekly timesheet currently being edited. Depending on your company’s preferences, copied time entries may include hours and memos.

  6. Continue to fill in required information for this time. When you have finished, click Save.

To view a list of all the weekly timesheets you have permission to view, go to Transactions > Employees > Weekly Timesheet > List. This list displays the employee, date, hours, and approval status of each week.

Retracting Weekly Timesheets

You can update your submitted time by retracting timesheets before your supervisor approves them. You can only retract timesheets if it is in pending approval. You cannot retract time transactions with any other status. The Retract button is not available in edit mode for timesheets or time transactions. Retracting timesheets is not available when you use custom approval routing.

To retract weekly timesheets:

  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Weekly Timesheet.

  2. Click View next to the timesheet you want to retract.


    You can also Retracting Individual Time Entries, instead of the whole weekly timesheet.

  3. Click Retract.

    NetSuite sends an e-mail to notify your supervisor of the retraction. NetSuite also updates the status of all pending time entries to Open, and the supervisor cannot see any of the previously pending time entries.

  4. Make your updates.

  5. Click Submit.

    NetSuite resubmits the individual time entries.

Retracting Individual Time Entries

You can update your submitted timesheet by retracting individual time entries before your supervisor approves them. You can only retract time entries if it is in pending approval. You cannot retract time transactions with any other status. The Retract button is not available in edit mode for timesheets or time transactions. Retracting individual time entries is not available when you use custom approval routing.

To retract individual time entries:

  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Weekly Timesheet.

  2. Click View next to the timesheet from which you want the individual time entries to retract from.

  3. Click the individual time entry.

    A popup window opens.

  4. Click Retract. This action redirects you to the edit mode.

  5. Make your updates.

  6. Click Submit.

    NetSuite resubmits the weekly timesheet.

Customizing Weekly Timesheets

When you customize your weekly timesheet you must create two custom forms. First, you create a custom time bill form for your time entries. Then, you create a custom timesheet form and select the custom time entry form as the basis for the time entry grid on your timesheet.

To customize a weekly timesheet:

  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Weekly Timesheet.

  2. Click Customize Time Bill Form in the Customize menu on the upper right corner of the page. A Custom Entry Form page opens.

  3. Enter a name for your custom time bill form.

  4. Make any changes you’d like to the form. For more information on customizing entry forms, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.


    The changes you make to the custom time bill form will change how the time entry grid appears on your weekly timesheets.

  5. When you have finished, click Save.

  6. Go to Transactions > Employees > Weekly Timesheet.

  7. Click Customize Form in the Customize menu on the upper right corner of the page. A Custom Entry Form page opens.

  8. Enter a name for your custom timesheet form.

  9. In the Time Entry Custom Form field, select the name of your custom time bill form.

  10. Make any additional changes you’d like to the form.

  11. When you have finished, click Save.

Your custom form is now available for weekly timesheets.

Incomplete Weekly Timesheets

You can use hidden fields to create saved searches and add dashboard reminders to track incomplete timesheets. Missing timesheets are automatically created for the current week and the previous five weeks on the first day of the week for active employees and project resources.

The following fields are hidden on the Weekly Timesheet:

  • Submitted hours – Sum of pending and approved hours.

  • Rejected hours – Sum of hours with rejected status.

  • Planned hours – Sum of planned hours. This field is only available when Project Management and Show Planned Time in Time Entry preference are enabled.

  • Allocated hours – Sum of allocated hours. This field is only available when Resource Allocations is enabled.

  • Work Calendar hours – Sum of expected hours based on the employee work calendar.

All of these fields are automatically calculated and hidden by default. You must customize your weekly timesheet entry form to show these fields in the user interface. However, the fields do not need to be showing to use reminders and searches for missing timesheets.

For more information, see Customizing Weekly Timesheets, Setting Up Reminders, and Defining a Saved Search.

Advanced Approvals for Weekly Timesheets

If your company uses the Advanced Approvals on Time preference, after time is saved on your Weekly Timesheet page, the background of each entry reflects that entry’s approval status.

  • Open — white

  • Approved — green

  • Rejected — red

  • Pending — blue

Advanced approvals enables your employees to know the status of their time entries within a single week just by looking at the Weekly Timesheet page. When rejecting transactions, advanced approvals enables you to add a rejection note. For more information on Advanced Approvals, see Approving or Rejecting a Time Transaction.

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