Entering a Time Transaction

Enter time transactions to track the hours you and other employees work.

To enter a time transaction:

  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Track Time.

  2. Select a form for this transaction.

  3. Select the employee whose time you are recording.

  4. NetSuite inserts the current date as the posting date of this entry. Accept or select the date for this time transaction.

  5. In the Duration field, enter the amount of time worked for the day.

    When you enter time, minutes that total more than 59 are automatically converted to hours to be added to the total time. Time entries can have minutes entered and saved in a range of 0 to 59.

    For example, if you enter :125, it is interpreted as 125 minutes and is converted to display as 2:05. Likewise, these time entries are converted as follows:

    • 0:125 is converted to 2:05 (2 hours and 5 minutes)

    • 1:80 is converted to 2:20 (2 hours and 20 minutes)

    • 1:120 is converted to 3:00 (3 hours and zero minutes)

    If you want to time yourself as you work or time the length of your break, click the Timer icon next to the Duration field. The elapsed time in the timer fills in the Duration field when you click Submit.

  6. Select a customer or project if the time worked is for a customer or project.

    If you use NetSuite OneWorld, the Intercompany Time and Expense feature and the related Intercompany Time accounting preference determine whether you can select a customer or project with a subsidiary different from yours. If the feature is not enabled, or if the preference is set to Disallow, you cannot enter intercompany time transactions. Instead, you can only select customers or projects with the same subsidiary to which you are assigned. For more information, see Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses.

  7. If you use the Project Management feature and selected a project in the Customer field with which this time is associated, you can select a related case, event, or task for the project.

  8. Select the service that was provided if you track time spent on services.

    If you selected a customer or project, you must select a service item.


    The service item description is automatically copied to the memo field for the time transaction. You may turn off this preference at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences on the Time & Expenses subtab.

    If you use NetSuite OneWorld, it is recommended that you set up service items that are available to all subsidiaries, for use in intercompany time transactions. In these transactions, users cannot save lines unless they contain service items available to both the employee subsidiary and customer subsidiary. See Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses.

  9. Ensure that the Billable box is checked if the time is billable to a customer or project.


    In NetSuite CRM+, the Billable box is not available. NetSuite CRM+users cannot record billable time, invoice customers for billable time, or record time for payroll items.

  10. If your company supports Multi-State Calculations for payroll, select the Payroll Item Workplace for this time entry.

  11. Select a payroll item if you are tracking time for payroll.

  12. Check the Paid Externally box if time has been or will be paid outside of NetSuite. This removes the time from payroll transactions. You cannot check this box if this time record is already associated with a paycheck in NetSuite.

  13. Optionally enter a memo. You can search for the text you enter here to find this transaction later.

    If you are billing this time back to a customer or project, this memo appears as a description for this line item on the customer invoice.


    Always select an activity in the Case/Task/Event or Service Item fields before entering a memo. When you select a case, task, event, or service item, the memo field is automatically populated with information from these records. Anything you entered in the memo field prior to selecting one of these records will be deleted. Changing your selection in either of these fields will update the memo field with any information from the newly selected record.

  14. If your company does not use Advanced Approvals for Time, check the Supervisor Approval box if you are a supervisor entering time for an employee.

    If your company does use Advanced Approvals for Time and you are a supervisor or time approver, select a status for this time entry in the Approval Status field. If you use Approval Routing, you can also select another approver in the Next Approver field. For more information, see Approving or Rejecting a Time Transaction.

  15. Under Classification, select a department, class, or location if your company tracks this information.


    If you use NetSuite OneWorld and you are entering intercompany time transactions, you must determine a strategy for using classifications on these transactions. Best practice is to omit them. For more information, see Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses.

  16. If the Override Rates on Time Records preference has been enabled on the Time & Expenses subtab at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences, the following fields display:

    • Price Level -Select a price level. You can use different price levels by going to Setup > Enable Features > Customers/Sales, and checking the Use Multiple Prices box.

    • Rate -If you selected a price in the Price Level field, it automatically appears here. If you do not use multiple prices or if you selected Custom in the Price Level field, enter a rate for this time transaction. If you are entering time for a payroll item like vacation time, leave this field blank.

    • Lock this Rate -If you are billing this time back to a customer, check this box to lock the rate you enter so it's not affected by rate changes that happen before the customer is billed. If you are entering time for a payroll item like vacation time, leave this field blank.

  17. Click Save.

If your company uses Approval Routing or Advanced Approvals for Time, the employee’s supervisor or time approver receives an email notification when time is entered or edited. The employee receives an email notification when the status on the Time record changes. The subject of this email says either that the time was approved or that the time was rejected.

You can also enter a time transaction on a customer or project record. To do so, go to Transactions > Employees > Track Time. Click Edit next to the customer.

If you billed time back to a customer or project, it appears when you click Billable Time on the corresponding invoice page.

If you tracked time for hourly wage payroll items and did not check the Paid Externally box, the time appears in the Hours column for this employee on the Payroll Run page.

Deleting or Editing Time Entries

You can delete or edit time entries that you have created for yourself or other employees as long as they have not been approved by a supervisor or time approver. Administrators can delete approved time entries as long as they have not been billed.

To delete or edit an unapproved time entry:

  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Track Time > List .

  2. On the Time Entries page, click Edit next to time entry you want to edit or delete.

    You can filter the entries shown by clicking Filters to expand the available list filters.

  3. On the Time Tracking page, do one of the following:

    • To edit the time entry, enter a new amount of time in the Duration field. Change any other information about the time entry as needed.

    • To delete the time entry, choose Actions > Delete.

  4. Click Save.

If your company uses Approval Routing or Advanced Approvals for Time, the employee’s supervisor or time approver receives an email notification each time a time entry is edited.

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