Example of a Suitelet that Calls a RESTlet

The following example shows how a Suitelet can call a RESTlet. Because the Suitelet is deployed in the same NetSuite account as the RESTlet, the script can use the N/url module to resolve the URL for the RESTlet. With this approach, you need the script ID and the script deployment ID associated with the RESTlet.


The scriptId, deploymentId, and authorization data in this example are placeholders. Before using this script, replace these values with valid data from your NetSuite account.

* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType Suitelet
define(['N/https', 'N/url'], function(https, urlMod) {
        return {
            onRequest : function(options) {
              var url = urlMod.resolveScript({
                scriptId: 'customscript196',
                deploymentId: 'customdeploy1',
                returnExternalUrl: true,
                params: {parametername: 'value'}

              var headers = {'Authorization': 'NLAuth nlauth_account=12345, nlauth_email=john@smith.com, nlauth_signature=Welcome123, nlauth_role=3'};

              var response = https.get({url: url, headers: headers});



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