Custom GL Lines Audit Log Transaction Details Page
The Custom GL Lines Audit Log Transaction Details page shows the balancing custom lines added to a specific transaction. Click the link in the Lines Added column on the Custom GL Lines Audit Log Page to access the Custom GL Lines Audit Log Transaction Details page.
The following table describes the columns available on the default view of the Custom GL Lines Audit Log Transaction Details page:
Column |
Description |
Log Entry No. |
Internal ID of the custom lines in the audit log. This is the same ID as Log Entry No. on the Custom GL Lines Audit Log Page. Click the link to go to the audit log page for the custom line. |
Account ID |
Internal ID of the account that the custom line credited or debited. This ID appears on the Chart of Accounts page at Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts. |
Credit * |
Amount of credit for the custom line. This value is set either by the plug-in implementation itself when it maps custom lines to secondary books, if applicable, or with the setCreditAmount(credit) method. |
Debit * |
Amount of debit for the custom line. This value is set either by the plug-in implementation itself when it maps custom lines to secondary books, if applicable, or with the setDebitAmount(debit) method.* |
Memo |
Text added to the Memo field on the custom line. This value is set with the setMemo(memo) method by the plug-in implementation. |
Class ID |
Class ID for the custom line set with the setClassId(classId) method by the plug-in implementation. For more information about classes in NetSuite, see Departments and Classes Overview. |
Department ID |
Department ID for the custom line set with the setDepartmentId(departmentId) method by the plug-in implementation. For more information about departments in NetSuite, see Departments and Classes Overview. |
Location ID |
Location ID for the custom line set with the setLocationId(locationId) method by the plug-in implementation. For more information about locations in NetSuite, see Locations Overview. |
Total Segments Set |
Number of custom segments that were set by the plug-in implementation. |
Entity ID |
Entity ID for the custom line set with the setEntityId(entityId) method by the plug-in implementation. |
* The currency for the amount depends on the transaction currency and the base currency for the accounting book and subsidiary. See Multiple Currencies Examples. |
The following screenshot shows the Custom GL Lines Audit Log Transaction Details page: