Custom GL Lines Plug-in Reference

Use the information in this section as reference when you develop, run, and test a Custom GL Lines plug-in implementation:



View example code

View example code for using utility files in a plug-in implementation. Use the utility files to create helper functions, reference internal NetSuite IDs, search records, and use with a custom record to store internal NetSuite record IDs.

See Custom GL Lines Plug-in Example Code.

Classification handling

You can set classifications, including department, class, and location, on custom lines for standard transactions, journals, and custom transactions. NetSuite may also set the classifications depending on the accounting preferences.

See Classifications.

Guidelines and best practices

Get more information about creating the plug-in implementation script file and plug-in implementation behavior.

See Custom GL Lines Plug-in Guidelines and Best Practices.

Get help on error messages

Get more information about error messages that can occur when NetSuite validates the plug-in implementation logic or during the plug-in implementation script execution.

See Error Messages for Custom GL Lines Plug-in.

Searching and reporting on custom lines

Use the Custom GL flag on reports and searches.

See Custom Lines on Reports and in Searches.

Use the audit log

Use the Custom GL Lines audit log to get more information about custom lines created by a plug-in implementation.

See Custom GL Lines Audit Log.

Use the plug-in system notes

Use the plug-in system notes to get more information about changes made on a plug-in implementation record.

See Viewing Plug-in Implementation System Notes.

Delete a plug-in implementation

Delete a Custom GL Lines plug-in from a NetSuite account, or uninstall a bundle that contains a plug-in implementation.

See Deleting a Custom GL Lines Plug-in Implementation.

Related Topics

General Notices