Workflow Base Record
The workflow base record is the record type for which you are using a workflow to define a business process. The record type can be a standard NetSuite record type, like a Customer or Transaction, or it can be a custom record type.
Specify the base record type in the Record Type dropdown list on the workflow definition page. Any record type for which you can create a workflow appears in the dropdown list. To access a workflow on the Workflows page, you must have full permission for the base record on which the workflow was built. Additionally, you must have the feature related to the base record enabled in your account.

You cannot change the workflow record type after you save the workflow definition.
You can also pick sub types for certain types of records. The following table lists the record types for which you can select a sub type. If you select one of these record types in the Record Type dropdown list, the Sub Type field becomes required. You must then select at least one sub type before you can save the workflow.
Record Type |
Available Sub Types |
Customer |
Item |
Any record of type Item. |
Transaction |
Any record of type Transaction. |