Derived Fields for Field Sets

In addition to the fields on the item records, there are additional fields that include derived values. These fields are known as derived fields or synthetic fields. You can use these derived fields in field sets to retrieve additional information.

Derived Field Name

Field ID


Available for Backorder


Displays a Boolean value, which indicates whether an item can be back ordered when it is out of stock. One of the following conditions must be met for an item to back orderable:

  • The item's out of stock behavior is set to Allow back orders with no out-of-stock message or Allow back orders but display out-of-stock message.

  • The item's out of stock behavior is set to Default and the site is configured to display out of stock items.

Available for Purchase


Displays a Boolean value, which indicates whether an item is available for purchase.

This field returns the Boolean value true if all the sub fields of the ispurchasable_detail field returns true.

Available for Purchase (Detail)


Returns a JSON object with all the available information about item purchasability. This field consists of the following subfields:

  • bystockavailability - Displays a Boolean value, which indicates whether an item is in stock or back orderable.

  • inpersonalizedcatalog -If the current user cannot purchase this item based on settings in Personalized Catalog Views (PCV), this field returns the Boolean value false.

    If the PCV feature is not enabled or if the current user can purchase this item based on settings in PCV, this field returns the Boolean value true.

Following is an example JSON response:

                    "ispurchasable": true,
"ispurchasable_detail": {  
   "bystockavailability": true,  
   "inpersonalizedcatalog": true


Commerce Categories


Displays the Name, ID, URLs, and URL fragment aliases of each Commerce Category containing the item.


The same details are also displayed for each category in the primary path to the item when navigating through the category hierarchy.

Correlated Items (Detail)


Displays the details of all the correlated items associated with an item. The correlateditems fieldset defines the fields to be returned for each correlated item.


Even if you have defined the default field set correlateditems as described in Set Up Initial Field Sets, you can overwrite the default field set with any other field set using the Item Search API parameter correlateditems_fieldset. For more information, see Item Search API Input Parameters.

Default Category (Detail)


Displays the path to the item's default Site Builder category on the current site with the help of label and URL component fields.

Default Item Ship Method


Displays the default shipping method for the specified item.

Display Out-of-Stock Message


Displays a Boolean value, which indicates whether a message should be displayed to indicate that the item is out of stock. The item must be out of stock and one of the following conditions must be met for the out of stock message to be displayed:

  • The item's out of stock behavior is set to Allow back orders with no out-of-stock message or Allow back orders but display out-of-stock message.

  • The item's out of stock behavior is set to Default and the site is configured to display out of stock items.

In Stock


Displays a Boolean value, which indicates whether an item should be considered to be in stock depending on the item type and item availability.

Item Carrier


Displays the carrier used to ship an item. For example, UPS, FedEx, and so on.

Item Images (Detail)


Lists the URL and alt text of all the images associated with the item.


The default URL for each image is displayed, not the URL of the resized image.

For information about image file naming convention, see Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier.

Item Options (Detail)


If an item has item options, this field returns all the item options, their values in case of list-type options, and their default values.

For example, for gift certificate items, this field returns the sender name, recipient name, recipient email address, and message. For matrix items, this field indicates whether the item is a matrix parent or child. Also, for matrix child items, the field returns the internal ID of the matrix parent item.


If an item field is set up as an item option for a matrix item, you must select that item option in the web store even if it is not marked as required in NetSuite. This is evident in the Item Search API response under the itemoptions_detail field, where the Boolean value of ismandatory and ismatrixdimension is returned as true for each item option set up for that matrix item.

Consequently, the matrix child item cannot be added to the shopping cart until you select a value for each item option set up for that matrix item.

Matrix Child Items


Displays the details of all the matrix child items that exist for the matrix parent item, including which item option values define each child item. The matrixchilditems fieldset defines the fields to be returned for each matrix child item.


Even if you have defined the default field set matrixchilditems as described in Set Up Initial Field Sets, you can overwrite the default field set with any other field set using the Item Search API parameter matrixchilditems_fieldset. For more information, see Item Search API Input Parameters.

Price (Formatted) and Price Level (Formatted)


Each price field has a formatted counterpart. For example, the field ID of the Base Price field is pricelevel1. The field ID of the derived field Base Price (Formatted) is pricelevel1_formatted.

The regular price field returns a numeric value. The *_formatted variant of the price field returns the formatted price with a currency symbol along with appropriate number of decimal places based on regional rounding conventions.

Price for Current Customer (Detail)


Returns a JSON object with all the available information about the item's current price. If a customer is logged in, the price displayed on the website applies to the logged-in customer, including special pricing and quantity pricing. If the item has quantity pricing, the price schedule is returned. If the item is a donation item, information defining the donation parameters such as minimum and default amount are included.

This field consists of the following subfields:

  • onlinecustomerprice -Price for the current customer, or in case of matrix items, this is the lowest child item price.

  • onlinecustomerprice_formatted - Formatted version of onlinecustomerprice

  • priceschedule -Pricing for specified quantities of the item, which can be set up on the item record.

  • Nopricemessage – This message is displayed when the price is unavailable for an item.

  • Maximumvariableamount – This subfield is displayed if the item is a donation item and it displays the maximum donation amount.

  • Showdefaultvariableprice -This subfield is displayed if the item is a donation item and it displays the item's show default amount option.

Price visible


Displays a Boolean value, which indicates whether the item price is visible to the current user.

This field returns the Boolean value true if all the sub fields of the ispricevisible_detail field returns true.

Price visible (Detail)


Returns a JSON object with all the available information about item price visibility. This field consists of the following subfields:

  • bycurrentuserloginstatus – Displays a Boolean value, which indicates whether an item price is visible to the current user based on their login status. This is determined by the Require Login for Pricing option on the Web Site Configuration record.

  • inpersonalizedcatalog – If the current user cannot see the item price based on settings in PCV, this field returns the Boolean value false for this user.

    If the Personalized Catalog Views (PCV) feature is not enabled or if the current user can see the item price based on settings in PCV, this field returns the Boolean value true.

Following is an example JSON response:

                    "ispricevisible": true,
"ispricevisible_detail": {
   "bycurrentuserloginstatus": true,
   "inpersonalizedcatalog": true


Related Items (Detail)


Displays the details of all the related items associated with an item. The relateditems fieldset defines the fields to be returned for each related item.


Even if you have defined the default field set relateditems as described in Set Up Initial Field Sets, you can overwrite the default field set with any other field set using the Item Search API parameter relateditems_fieldset. For more information, see Item Search API Input Parameters.

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General Notices