Item Search API Input Parameters

The Item Search API Input Parameters are used to construct query strings that return item record attributes in a JSON response. To create a query string for the Item Search API, you should use the input parameters with the base URL{parameters}. You can also use multiple parameters with the base URL by separating them with an ampersand (&).


Some parameters, when used with the base URL, return the item IDs of the matching items. However, if you want to retrieve additional item details, you can use the parameters listed under the Retrieve Additional Item Details section with these parameters.

The base URL when used without any parameters retrieves the item IDs of all the items. To retrieve only the desired items and item details, you can specify the following input parameters:






Retrieve Items by NetSuite Account Number, Commerce Site ID, Subsidiary ID


Retrieve Items by Item ID


Retrieve Items by Item URL


Retrieve Items by Keyword Search




Retrieve Items by Commerce Categories




Retrieve Items from Personalized Catalog for a specific customer or one or more customer groups



Retrieve Additional Item Details




Flexibility in Specifying the Field Sets of Related Items



Pagination of Query Results





Facet and Filter Items



Include or Exclude Item Attributes


Sort Items


Specify Price Level


Specify Currency



Specify Language and Country


Callback Function


Retrieve Debug Information

Retrieve Items by NetSuite Account Number, Commerce Site ID, Subsidiary ID

You can also use these parameters together to further refine the search results. For example, if have more than one Commerce web store in a NetSuite account and you would like to retrieve items belonging to a particular site, you can use the following query string:


If you specify an incorrect NetSuite account number, an incorrect Commerce Site ID, an incorrect or inactive Subsidiary ID, or if your website is not reachable, no items are returned and an error message is displayed.

Retrieve Items by Item ID

You can use the parameter id to specify the item record ID and retrieve information for a particular item. For example, you can use the following query string to retrieve the item with Item ID 123:

To return multiple items in response data, list multiple item IDs separated by commas. For example, you can use the following query string to retrieve the items with Item ID 123, 456, 789:,456,789


If the item is marked as Inactive or if the Display in Web Store box is not selected on the item record, no items are returned. If you specify an invalid item ID, an error message is displayed. In case of Matrix items, active child items are returned only if the parent item is active and the Display in Web Store box is selected.

Retrieve Items by Item URL

You can use the parameter url to specify the value in the URL Component field on the item record. The url parameter returns the Item ID of item that matches the URL component value in the request.

You can specify other parameters along with the url parameter to retrieve other item details. For example, you can use the fields parameter to retrieve associated images:

You can also use a field set that contains image information:


If the item is marked as Inactive or if the Display in Web Store box is not selected on the item record, no items are returned. If you specify an invalid item URL, an error message is displayed. In case of Matrix items, active child items are returned only if the parent item is active and the Display in Web Store box is selected.

Retrieve Items by Keyword Search

You can use the parameter q to retrieve all the items that match the specified keyword. For example, q=jeans searches for that keyword in the fields listed on the Search Fields subtab.


Matching items are returned only if the specified keyword exists in the search fields that you selected on the Web Site Setup page. For information about selecting Search Fields, see Select Search Fields.

To do a multi-term search, specify two or more terms in the URL separated by whitespace. For example, q=denim jeans searches for these keywords in the fields listed on the Search Fields subtab. jeans


Relevance is the default sort order when you use the q parameter to query the Item Search API. Your preferred sort order specified on the Sort Fields subtab is overridden. For information about selecting and configuring Sort Fields, see Select and Configure Sort Fields.

Retrieve Items by Commerce Categories

For a sample search query and response on Commerce Categories, see Sample Search Query for Returning Categories.

Retrieve Items from Personalized Catalog for a specific customer or one or more customer groups

To be able to use the pcv_entity and pcv_groups parameters, the user must have a valid NetSuite user account and be assigned a role that provides edit website or list items permissions. For more information, see Personalized Catalog Views Roles and Permissions. Note that these parameters are intended for administrative interfaces only and not for building web pages that display a personalized catalog.

Retrieve Additional Item Details

If you do not specify any input parameters with the Item Search API base URL, only the Item IDs of the items are returned. You can use the following parameters to retrieve additional item details:


When the Commerce Category field is defined in the Web Site Setup record field sets, the Commerce Category details for a given item are returned.

Flexibility in Specifying the Field Sets of Related Items
Pagination of Query Results

You can use the parameter offset in combination with another parameter limit to paginate Item Search API query results. The offset parameter specifies the offset from the first result and the limit parameter specifies the number of items that can be displayed on each page. For example, you can retrieve query results from the eleventh item to the fifteenth item using the following query string:

You can click next at the bottom of the query result to increment the offset parameter by the value of limit. Note that the value of limit remains unchanged. In the above example, when you click next, the value of offset changes to 15 and the next five items are displayed. Also, you can click prev at the bottom of the query result to decrease the value of the offset parameter by the value of limit. In the above example, when you click prev, the value of offset changes to 5 and the previous five items are displayed.


The Item Search API is not designed for deep pagination. Therefore, using offset and limit to page through sorted results works well if you only need to access the first few pages of the search results.

The default value of the offset parameter is 0 and that of the limit parameter is 50. Therefore, when you do not specify offset and limit, the first 50 items are displayed in the query results.

Facet and Filter Items
Include or Exclude Item Attributes
Sort Items

You can use the parameter sort to define the sort order of search results on your website. By using the field ID you want to sort by in the API request, you can retrieve item record data sorted by the field ID included in the API request. You can find the field ID on the Sort Fields subtab on the Web Site Setup page. An Item Search API request overrides your settings on the Search Fields tab. Supported sort orders are ascending (asc) and descending (desc).

For example, you can sort the items by their store display name using the following query string:

Items are sorted by category when the value of commercecategory and either commercecategoryid or commercecategoryurl are specified. This is dependent on the Commerce Category sort field being defined in the Web Site Setup record.

For more information about setting up web site preferences for sorting in NetSuite, see Select and Configure Sort Fields.


If you are sorting by a field which is empty for a particular item, the item is excluded from sorting and is displayed at the end of the list.

Specify Price Level

You can use the parameter pricelevel to specify the price level ID for items. The price level ID can be different depending on how price levels are configured in your NetSuite account. Typically, the default online price in NetSuite is pricelevel=5.


If you have set up multiple price levels for items, ensure that you add all the price level fields as sort fields. For more information, see Select and Configure Sort Fields. Also, if Alternate Price is not defined for an item but is set to be displayed in a field set, then the value of Alternate Price defaults to the Online Price. If Online Price is also not defined for the item, then the value of Alternate Price defaults to the Base Price.

When a customer with a custom price level is logged in on the web store, the price level assigned to that customer is retrieved instead of the default online price level. For example, the default online price is pricelevel=5, but the price level assigned to a certain customer may be pricelevel=4. When this customer is browsing in the web store, the customer’s assigned price, pricelevel=4 is sent in the search API call. Consequently, the custom price (pricelevel=4) is displayed to this customer for all the products in the web store.


The pricelevel parameter is only usable when a user with permissions to see the requested pricelevel is logged in. In all other cases, the pricelevel displayed is in accordance with the default setting in the Web Site Set Up record.

Specify Currency

Prices are usually displayed in the default currency that you have set up for your website. In an account that uses the Multiple Currencies feature, you can use the parameter currency with the ISO Country Code to specify the currency format in which you want to display prices for the items.,pricelevel5&currency=USD

If you are using the Multiple Currencies feature, ensure that you select the correct default locale on the currency record to avoid any errors related to currency mismatch. For example, select New Zealand (English) as the default locale for New Zealand Dollar. For more information, see Creating Currency Records.


If you specify a currency that is not associated with your website or if the Online box is not checked for that currency on the Web Site Setup record, an error message is returned.

Specify Language and Country

A shopper on your website can use their local language to search and browse products on your website. The translated text that shoppers see in product views is based on the translated text you set up on item records. The JSON response data includes item attributes and field set fields in the languages you have set up in your NetSuite account. You must add the corresponding fields to a field set and also check that the field set is included in the Reference ShopFlow SuiteApp. By default, items are returned with fields containing the default language. You can use the language and country parameter to specify the translated text you set up in NetSuite.

In the following example, the search results are displayed in Spanish:


You must always use the language and country parameters together. The country code that you specify should be in uppercase and the langue code should be in lowercase.

All ISO country and language codes are valid if the language is set up for use on your website. To affect the language displayed in a product view, the site template must be localized. For more information about localizing site templates and using multiple languages, see Localization.

Callback Function

You can use the parameter callback to define the JavaScript callback function to wrap the JSON response.

For example, you can create a variable name mycallback by using the callback parameter as shown in the following sample query:

Retrieve Debug Information

You can use the parameter ssdebug and set its value to true to retrieve the debug information in the JSON response.

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General Notices