Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier

The components of the image file name associate the file with an item record and determine how the images are presented on the product details page. Before renaming your image files, see Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier to define the naming conventions.

Using the parameters for renaming image files, you can organize how the images display on your website:

For a method for bulk renaming of item images, see Bulk Rename Product Images.

Naming Guidelines

Here is an example file name with the components labeled.

Example of file name with labelled components



1. Item Identifier

Item identifier matches the item record. Use the item identifier as defined in Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier.

File names must begin with the item identifier.

Example uses the UPC Code as item identifier.

2. Item ID Delimiter

Item ID delimiter separates the item identifier from the rest of the file name. Use the delimiter defined in Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier.

Example uses an underscore (_).

3. Keyword

An optional component used when adding multiple images to an item record.

Images associated with the same item record must use the same keyword.

4. Structure Delimiter

Used to separate components of the file name, such as keyword, item options, and numbers.

Defined in Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier.

Example uses a hyphen (-).

5. Item Option

Used to trigger a specific image when an item option is chosen, such as color.

Requires setup of (Optional) Configure Multi-Image Options.

6. Number

Used to differentiate otherwise identical file names and to add multiple images to the same item option (such as front and back view).

7. File Extension

Files must end with the file extension.

Use a period (.) to separate the file extension regardless of the structure delimiter used.

Supported file types: JPG, GIF, PNG, PJPG, SVG, TIFF.

Additional parameters:

  • Image file names must be unique.

  • Not all components are required, but all file names must have an item identifier, file extension, and one additional component.

  • Add .default to a file name before the file extension to make it the default image for that item. The default displays in search results and is first displayed on the product details page.

    Example: OM5447_media-blue-01.default.jpg

  • The file name can contain additional descriptive components which do not affect the display or association of the image.

    • Example: OM5447_media-blue-01-mens-jacket.jpg

    • You must place descriptive components after the functional components in the file name.


The following screenshots represent the relationship between file names and your website.

Associated images file names on the item record.

This example shows the image files represented on the product details page. No item option is selected, so all the image files are visible.

Product details page.

In this example, the blue color option is selected, so only the images designated as blue are visible.

Product details page with blue item option selected.

Related Topics

General Notices