Search Settings Overview
With the 21.1 release of NetSuite, menu navigation for Setup > SuiteCommerce Advanced > Set Up Web Site has changed to Commerce > Websites > Website List. See Commerce Tab.
You can enhance the item search capabilities of your website by configuring the item search settings with your preferences. The following illustration shows how item search settings relate to your web store:

Search Fields influence the default sort order of the search results, which is relevance. For more information, see Select Search Fields.
Facet Fields help a shopper narrow down the search results. For more information, see Select and Configure Facet Fields.
Sort Fields define how results can be sorted beyond relevance to a search query. For more information, see Select and Configure Sort Fields.
Field Sets are a grouping of item fields taken from item records, used to display information to your shoppers. For more information, see Define Field Sets.
Before you configure the item search settings, you should:
Complete Item Availability, which includes setting up item records for display on your web store, setting up item records for search index, and setting up item inventory in web stores.
Review the FieldSetsList spreadsheet, which lists all the fields that are available for keyword search, faceting, sorting, and for use in field sets.
Note:When the Multiple Vendor feature is enabled, do not use the Preferred Vendor field (Field ID: vendor) as a sort field, facet field, or search field as it will not return any values.
Review the Sample Search Fields Setup.
Read the best practices to Improve Relevance of your Search Results.
Identify the item record fields that contain keywords, which shoppers might use to search for products on your website.
Important:For every website, the total number of fields included in the Field Sets, Sort Fields, and Facet Fields and should not exceed the limit of 1200.
Identify the item record fields that shoppers might use to efficiently narrow down the search results.
Identify the item record fields that shoppers might use to sort the search results.
Identify the item record fields that you want to include in each field set.
Create the necessary custom fields that you want to include in each field set or use as search fields, facet fields, or sort fields.
Important:If you use a custom item field in a field set or as a search field, facet field, or sort field, the custom item field gets locked and cannot be edited until unlocked.
To unlock such custom item field, you need to remove it from the field set, search field, facet field, and sort field of all Commerce websites and wait for the Search Index to rebuild.