Creating Additional Lot Fields

Create additional lot fields that you want to add in the inventory details. Then you can map additional lot fields to specific items.

To create additional lot fields:

  1. Go to Lists > Lot Auto Numbering > Additional Lot Fields.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the sublist, make the following selections:

    1. From the Element list, select the item number field that you want to use as additional lot field.

      To create item number field, see Create Item Number Fields.

    2. From the Purchase Order list, select the way in which the element applies in a purchase order.

      • Not Applicable (default selection) -The field does not display in the Inventory Detail popup window.

      • Optional -The field displays as a column but entering a value in it is optional.

      • Required -The field displays as a column and you must enter a value in the column.

    3. From the Work Order list, select the way in which the element applies in a work order. To know more about the options, refer to Step b

    4. Click Add.

    5. To add more lot fields, repeat Steps a to d.

  4. Click Save.

    The additional lot fields are mapped to all items.

    Depending on the selection in the purchase order and work order columns, the additional lot fields appear as columns in the Inventory Detail popup window.

Depending on the system resources and concurrency limit, you may face delay in updating the lot record with additional lot information after saving the transaction.

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