Generating Lot Numbers

For a lot auto numbering enabled item, when you add a lot and enter values in the additional lot fields, the lot number generates automatically. The generated lot number displays in the Lot Number column of the Inventory Detail popup window.

To generate lot numbers:

  1. In the Items sublist of a purchase order, select an item that has auto lot numbering enabled.

  2. Click the Inventory Detail icon to open the Inventory Detail popup window.


    Allow the popup window to be loaded completely to view the Lot Auto Inventory Detail section.

  3. In the Additional Lot Inventory Detail sublist, enter the required lot information, such as quantity.

  4. Click Add.

    The lot number automatically generates and displays in the Lot Number column.

When adding multiple rows for the same lot number, values in all other fields must be the same, except for the following:

If an element in the lot number format does have a value, the element is ignored when generating the lot number.

The automatically generated lot number replaces space character in a lot number format element with a hyphen.

In the Inventory Detail popup window, the format for date and time type of fields is derived from the Set Preferences page.

The value for the Time of Day field is based on the date and time format selected in the General Preferences page.

Fixing Inventory Detail Display Issue

If you are unable to view the lot inventory details or get an error when opening the Inventory Detail window, perform the following procedure. This procedure will re-attach the ALN_InventoryDetails_CC_main.js script to the Custom Inventory Detail Form custom entry form.

To attach a script in Custom Inventory Detail form:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms.

  2. In the Custom Inventory Detail Form custom entry form, click Edit.

  3. In the Script File list under Custom Code subtab, select the empty value.

  4. Click Save.

  5. In the Custom Inventory Detail Form custom entry form, click Edit again.

  6. In the Script File list under Custom Code subtab, select ALN_InventoryDetails_CC_main.js.

  7. Click Save.

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