Specifying Depreciation Rate

The Depreciation Rate is the legally designated rate to be used for calculating DA Estimated Value and Standard Taxable Value on the Asset Report (DAAA). The Depreciation Rate of your assets must be specified, and they will be applied to the Depreciable Asset Tax Reports.

Depreciation Rates from the tax agency are included with Japan Fixed Assets Reports SuiteApp and must be used.

To specify Depreciation Rate:

Repeat the steps to add more depreciation rates.

  1. Go to Depreciable Assets > Setup > Depreciation Rates > New.

  2. On the Depreciable Rate page, enter values for the following fields:

    • Useful Life – Enter the number of years that the fixed asset should be depreciated based on Japanese tax law (Tax Useful Life).

    • Depreciation -Rate R -Depreciation rate of assets for the year

    • Acquired Last Year Rate A -Depreciation rate of assets acquired last year

    • Acquired Before Last Year Rate B – Depreciation rate of assets acquired before last year

  3. Click Save.

General Notices