Japan Help Topics


The following Help topics contain information about NetSuite features that are specific to Japanese business setting and requirements only.

General NetSuite features are covered in other chapters and topics.

General Setup

Functional Area



Required Setup

NetSuite Japan Edition and Account Setup

Provides an overview of NetSuite Japan (JP) edition and references to NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiaries and preferences.

Setting Up Japan-specific Preferences

Set up your company and user preferences in NetSuite with support for Japanese language, calendar, address, currency formats, and time zone.

Mobile Devices

Configuring NetSuite for Mobile

Configure NetSuite localization settings for mobile devices.


Functional Area



General Accounting

Using Japanese Accounting Periods

The NetSuite Japan Edition provides pre-defined accounting periods that meet the requirements of common Japanese business practices.


Meeting Japanese Banking Requirements

The NetSuite Japan Edition supports Japanese bank account information and enables you to handle customer and vendor bank account information for use in transactions or payments.


Consumption Tax Overview -Japan

In Japan, consumption tax is a nationwide tax levied on the sale and lease of domestic goods and services, and on foreign goods collected from bonded areas. Japanese businesses are responsible for collecting this tax from companies and consumers that purchase their goods and services.

Japan Consumption Tax Form

The Japan Consumption Tax Form enables you to accomplish your company’s tax return. The page consists of subtabs for tax tables and appendices. Automatic calculation of deductible purchase tax and taxable sales ratio is integrated in the appendices.

Japan Consumption Tax Reports

These reports contain tax information for specific categories that you can reference when preparing tax returns.

Financial Statements

Japan Comparative Balance Sheet (Beta)

The Japan Comparative Balance Sheet displays assets, liabilities, and equities in a specified period and in the previous year for comparison.

Japan Comparative Income Statement (Beta)

The Japan Comparative Income Statement displays a summary of your company’s or subsidiary’s income, expenses, and net income in a specified period and in the previous year for comparison.

Japan Trial Balance New (Beta)

The Japan Trial Balance New is a combination of the Comparative Balance Sheet and Comparative Income Statement, which displays the Beginning Balance, Debit, Credit, Ending Balance, and Ratio in a specified period and in the previous year.

Japanese Balance Sheet

The Japanese Balance Sheet Report shows a summary of assets, liabilities, and equity in a particular month, quarter, or year. The report is presented in the prescribed layout.

Japanese Income Statement

The Japanese Income Statement Report shows a company’s income, expenses, and net income for a specific period. The report is presented in the prescribed layout.

Japanese Cash Flow Statement

The Japanese Cash Flow Statement Report shows activities that affect a company’s cash balance during a selected time period. The report is presented in the prescribed layout.

Japanese Trial Balance

The Japanese Trial Balance is a report that shows active account balances in credit and debit columns, for a specific period, usually at the end of the month.

Japan Financial Statements

The Japan Financial Statements SuiteApp lets you define and generate the Japanese Balance Sheet, Japanese Income Statement, Japanese Cash Flow Statement, and Japanese Trial Balance. The SuiteApp also provides two templates for the three financial statements, one template in English and another in Japanese. These reports are submitted to the tax office as part of an audit report, which includes the names of the auditors.

Fixed Assets Management

Japan Fixed Assets Reports

Japan Fixed Assets Reports generates reports for depreciable fixed assets and corresponding tax reports. The SuiteApp also provides depreciation rates from the tax agency and depreciation methods to apply to depreciable asset tax reports. The reports comply with requirements of municipal tax agencies in Japan.

Depreciation Methods

Fixed Assets Management in NetSuite supports Japanese language and you can define your own fixed assets depreciation methods.

Order Management

Functional Area



Billing and Invoices

Japanese Invoice Summary

The invoice summary (formerly called item detail statement (IDS)), is a consolidated invoice covering a billing period. The invoice summary can include invoices and credit memos as well as canceled and closed sales orders.

Payment Processing

Using Tegatas

Receive payments (receivable tegata) from customers using tegatas, which are a traditional form of payment in Japan. Tegatas are similar to promissory notes. Tegatas usually have a maturity date that is several weeks or possibly months in the future. On the maturity date, the full amount of the tegata becomes collectable.

Payment Gateway

Integrate with a local payment gateway service provider, Veritrans, to accept credit card payments from customers.


VeriTrans gateway integration is temporarily unavailable in NetSuite 2019.1 due to an ongoing VeriTrans security upgrade.

To continue processing credit card payments, use other payment processing profiles. For more information, see Payment Gateways.

Overdue Balances and Collections

Japanese Billing Cycle and Payment Terms

In Japan, most companies use a billing cycle based on the closing date and the payment due date. Similar to credit card payments, companies agree on a closing date with customers before starting business transactions.

Vendors, Purchasing and Receiving

Functional Area



Vendor Payments

Using Tegatas

Make payments to vendors (payable tegata) using tegatas, which are a traditional form of payment in Japan. Tegatas are similar to promissory notes. Tegatas usually have a maturity date that is several weeks or possibly months in the future. On the maturity date, the full amount of the tegata becomes collectable.

Japan Payment Formats

Pay vendor bills and employee expenses Japan by generating payment files formatted using the Zengin payment file specifications of the Zengin Payment Clearing Network of banks.


Functional Area



SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA)

SuiteCommerce and OneWorld

Set up SCA for a particular locale and for OneWorld.

SuiteCommerce Site Builder

Site Builder Overview

Set up a site for a particular locale and for OneWorld.

SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS)

SuiteCommerce InStore Administrator’s Overview

Set up SCIS for a particular locale.

Required SuiteApps



Installing the Japan Localization SuiteApp

Provides Japan-specific features that support Japanese billing cycle, defining payment terms, and customization and generation of Japanese invoice summary.

Japan Fixed Assets Reports

Japan Fixed Assets Reports generates reports for depreciable fixed assets and corresponding tax reports. The SuiteApp also provides depreciation rates from the tax agency and depreciation methods to apply to depreciable asset tax reports. The reports comply with requirements of municipal tax agencies in Japan.

Japan Financial Statements

Provides Japanese Balance Sheet, Japanese Income Statement and Japanese Cash Flow Statement. The SuiteApp also includes two templates for each financial statement, one template in English and another in Japanese.

International Tax Reports

Provides VAT/GST reports and online reporting generated in the local format for ease and accuracy of submission, sales and purchase reports by tax code, and pre-configured tax codes when a new nexus is created.

Electronic Bank Payments

Provides Japanese payment formats to enable businesses to pay vendor bills and employee expenses, and receive payments from customers in Japan.

Payment Gateway

Provides integration with VeriTrans credit card payment gateway for Japan.


VeriTrans gateway integration is temporarily unavailable in NetSuite 2019.1 due to an ongoing VeriTrans security upgrade.

To continue processing credit card payments, use other payment processing profiles. For more information, see Payment Gateways.

General Notices