Viewing Invoice Summary Generation Status

The status of invoice summary generation jobs that are in progress can be viewed on the Invoice Summary Generation Status page. By default, the Administrator, Accountant, and CFO roles can view the Invoice Summary Generation Status page.

To view the Invoice Summary Generation Status page:

  1. Go to Transactions > Customers > Generate Invoice Summary.

  2. On the Generate Invoice Summary page, click View Invoice Summary Generation Status.

  3. On the Invoice Summary Generation Status page, click Refresh to update the statuses.

  4. In the Status field, under Filters, you can select any of the following statuses to display only the invoice summary generation jobs with that status:





    • The Generate button has been clicked, and the invoice summary generation job has been created but is yet to be processed.

    • The invoice summary generation job has been running for 6 hours or more.

    • Wait for invoice summary generation to complete.

    • The administrator can resubmit hanging generation jobs by clicking Resolve Hanging Generation. This button is not available for other roles.


    The generated invoice summary does not contain any customer or transaction. This can happen when a user edits a customer or transaction record while another user is running the Generate Invoice Summary Suitelet.

    You must go to the Generate Invoice Summary page and create a new invoice summary generation job with the same parameters.


    The invoice summary generation job has encountered errors. Errors and their solutions are documented, see Invoice Summary Generation Errors.

    Follow the solutions in the Invoice Summary Generation Errors. Or, you can create a new invoice summary generation job with the same parameters on the Generate Invoice Summary page.


    Completed generation jobs are not included in the statuses. The invoice summary created from completed generation jobs can be accessed from Transactions > Customers > Invoice Summary.

  5. Click New Invoice Summary Job to return to the Invoice Summary Generation page.

Deleting Failed Invoice Summary Generation Jobs

The administrator can delete failed invoice summary generation jobs from the Invoice Summary Generation Status page. Failed generation jobs include those with Invalid and Error statuses.


If the Use Deletion Reason feature is enabled in your account, do not make the 'Other' option or value for this field Inactive, because this will cause an error in deleting invoice summary generation jobs.

To delete failed invoice summary generation jobs:

  1. Open the Invoice Summary Generation Status page, where you can delete individual generation jobs with Invalid or Error status or delete them all in one go:

    • On the row of the failed generation job that you want to delete and under the Actions column, click Delete.

    • To delete all failed invoice summary generation jobs, click Delete All Failed Jobs.

  2. Click Ok on the confirmation message.

The M/R Status page displays the deletion process. All requests, batches, invoice summaries associated with the failed generation job will be deleted.

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