Invoice Summary Generation Errors

Errors can occur during the generation of the invoice summary record, or during creation of its PDF file.

When the system encounters an error, NetSuite sends an email with error details, to the user who initiated the process.

The email also has instructions to resolve a known error, which may require an Administrator role. Immediately inform your account administrator of any encountered error.

If an error is not fixed, the system will not be able to process subsequent requests to generate an invoice summary for the same subsidiary and closing date. If another user tries to generate an invoice summary using the same subsidiary and closing date filters, that user will encounter an error.

The following table indicates the errors that may occur when generating the invoice summary.

Error Type

Error Message


Missing Template

The selected Invoice Summary template could not be found.

Choose a different template on the Generate Invoice Summary page and try generating the invoice summary again.

If you cannot select another template, or if you cannot use any of the other available templates on the Generate Invoice Summary page, inform your account administrator of the problem.

Only users with an Administrator role can upload templates to the File Cabinet.

Invoice summary templates must be uploaded to: Documents > Files > File Cabinet > SuiteBundles > Bundle 410664 > Invoice Summary Templates folder.

Missing Payment Terms

The customer does not have any payment terms on the customer record.

Add payment terms to the customer record, and try generating the invoice summary again.


Currently, a limitation in NetSuite makes it possible to delete the customer’s payment terms if the customer record is opened in view mode.

Modified Transaction List

A transaction was deleted from the system while creation of the Invoice Summary PDF file is in progress.

Try generating the invoice summary again using the same filters.

Unparseable Template

The Invoice Summary template contains elements with malformed character data or markup.

Choose a different template on the Generate Invoice Summary page and try generating the invoice summary again.

If you cannot select another template, or if you cannot use any of the other available templates on the Generate Invoice Summary page, inform your account administrator of the problem.

To be able to generate an invoice summary, the template must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

Only users with an Administrator role can upload templates to the File Cabinet.

Invoice summary templates must be uploaded to: Documents > Files > File Cabinet > SuiteBundles > Bundle 410664 > Invoice Summary Templates folder.


Some Japanese characters are not displayed correctly with only NetSuite’s default font packages, because Japanese characters are part of the Adobe original font set. To display Japanese characters correctly and consistently, you can set custom templates to use the Adobe font set, which requires a license from Adobe.

Transaction Outside the Accounting Period

The Transaction Date of one or more transactions you selected does not fall within the current Accounting Period.

Set up the Accounting Period to match the Transaction Date or modify the transactions so that they fall within the Accounting Period, and then try generating the invoice summary again.

Undeployed Scheduled Script for Invoice Summary Generation

The Invoice Summary Record Creator script is not deployed.

To fix this error, an administrator must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Expand the Filters area if the filters are not displayed.

  3. In the Status filter, select Scheduled.

  4. Click the Edit link of the Invoice Summary Record Creator script.

  5. Check the Deployed box.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to the Generate Invoice Summary page and generate the invoice summary again using the same filters.

Undeployed Scheduled Script for Invoice Summary Regeneration

The Regenerate Invoice Summary Record script is not deployed.

To fix this error, an administrator must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Expand the Filters area if the filters are not displayed.

  3. In the Status filter, select Scheduled.

  4. Click the Edit link of the Invoice Summary Regeneration SS script.

  5. Check the Deployed box.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to the Generate Invoice Summary page and generate the invoice summary again using the same filters.

Errors Outside the SuiteApp

An unexpected error has occurred: {NSERROR}

Contact NetSuite Customer Support.

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