Setting the Invoice Summary Template

The Japan Localization SuiteApp comes with invoice summary templates that can be used directly with the invoice summary generation feature.

There are two template types, one for generating the standard invoice summary, and another for the consolidated invoice summary. For more information, see Japanese Invoice Summary and Consolidated Invoice Summary.

After installing the SuiteApp, the default invoice summary templates are saved in Documents > Files > File Cabinet > SuiteBundles > Bundle 325796 > Invoice Summary Templates folder. The templates are default_multi_currency_template.xml, and default_template.xml. The default_multi_currency_template.xml can be used if the transactions you want to include in the invoice summary use currencies other than Japanese yen.

Before generating an invoice summary, you must set an invoice summary template.

To set the template for standard or consolidated invoice summary:

  1. Open the Japan Localization Setup subtab:

    • (With OneWorld) Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries. Edit a Japan subsidiary, and then click the subtab.

    • (Without OneWorld) Go to Setup > Company > Company Information, and then click the subtab.

  2. Select the appropriate template for the type of invoice summary, standard or consolidated, that you want to generate:

    • Invoice Summary Template (Standard) -select a template to apply to standard or regular invoice summaries.

    • Invoice Summary Template (Consolidated) – select a template in this field if you want to use the consolidated invoice summary and has checked the Include All Transactions of Subcustomers box on Generate Invoice Summary page.


    Ensure that you select the correct template for standard or consolidated invoice summary; otherwise, invoice summary generation will fail.

  3. Click Save.

  4. (Optional) To change the invoice summary template for a specific invoice summary generation job:

    1. Go to Transactions > Customers > Generate Invoice Summary.

    2. Specify a subsidiary and click Search.

    3. On the Generate Invoice Summary page, in the Invoice Summary Template (standard or consolidated) field, change the invoice summary template selected for the subsidiary.

The invoice summary template that comes with Japan Localization SuiteApp includes a Tax Details section with information about Tax Code, Tax Rate, and tax amounts. A Payment Details section is also included, with fields indicating the Date, Transaction No., Transaction Details (sourced from the custom field Payment Details), and Amount. If you are using custom invoice summary templates, you must modify your templates to add the tax details section and fields.

You can create your own invoice summary templates or customize the default templates from the Japan Localization SuiteApp to fit your business needs. For more information, see Customizing the Japanese Invoice Summary XML Template.

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