Japan Localization Setup

The Japan Localization Setup subtab enables you to configure several settings for Japan Localization features. The subtab is available on a Japan subsidiary record for OneWorld accounts, or on the Company Information page for accounts without OneWorld.

On the Japan Localization Setup subtab, you can configure the following settings:

Setting or Field


Related Help Topic

Use Holiday Checking

If this box is checked, the system automatically checks and adjusts due dates that fall on holidays for customer records with Due Date Adjustment enabled.

Setting Up Japanese Holidays to Validate Payment Due Dates

Consumption Tax Form Print Option

This field allows you specify which tax rates on the Japan Consumption Tax Form to print, by providing the following options:

  • Print All -the entire Japan Consumption Tax Form, with new and old tax rates , will be included when you print it.

  • Print New Tax Rates -only new tax rates will be printed, excluding old tax rates.

Setting Print Option for Japan Consumption Tax Form

Statement Search

This field enables you to specify a public saved search for adding field values to the invoice summary output.

Adding Field Values to the Invoice Summary Output

Invoice Summary Template

This field enables you to select an invoice summary template before generating the invoice summary.

Setting the Invoice Summary Template

Save Invoice Summary In

This field enables you to enter the file path to the folder where you want the system to automatically save the PDF files of generated invoice summaries.

Specifying a Folder to Save Invoice Summaries In

Save Printed PO In

This field enables you to enter the file path to the folder where you want the system to automatically save printed purchase orders.

Subcontract Act and Purchase Order Numbering

Tax Registration Number

This field enables you to enter your company’s 14-character tax registration number, to be provided by the tax agency.

Including Tax Registration Number on Invoice Summaries

Individual Customer PDF

Checking this box will generate separate invoice summary PDF files per customer.

Generating Invoice Summary PDF per Customer

Invoice Summary File Name

This field enables you to select the filename format of invoice summary PDF files to be generated.

Invoice Summary PDF File Naming

AR Debit/Credit Adjustment Item

This field enables you to select the AR debit/credit adjustment item whose account will be debited or credited the adjusted or difference in the total consumption tax in the invoice summary and associated transactions.


Other Charge for Sale is the preferred option.

Including Payment Adjustments in the Invoice Summary, and Support for Japan Qualified Invoicing System

Classification fields:

  • Department

  • Location

  • Class

These fields enable you to specify a Department, Location, or Class that will be referenced and required by invoice summary tax adjustment.

Support for Japan Qualified Invoicing System and Enabling Invoice Summary Tax Adjustment

After configuring Japan Localization settings, click Save.

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General Notices