Viewing the SuiteApp Version History
The version history provides a single location to view and manage your SuiteApps.
Deleted versions do not appear in the SuiteApp version history. For more information, see Deleting a SuiteApp Version.
To view the SuiteApp version history:
Go to Control Center > My SuiteApps > My SuiteApps.
Perform one of the following actions:
For a SuiteApp, click
and select Manage Versions.
Click the SuiteApp name to view the SuiteApp details, and click the Versions tab.
The Version History list appears, and it contains the following information:
Version – is the version number. The number is populated by the projectversion field value in the manifest of the SuiteApp project contained in the SuiteApp archive ZIP. For more information, see Creating a SuiteApp Version and Managing SuiteCloud Projects as Compressed Files in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.
Status – is the current state of the version. For version states and their descriptions, see SuiteApp Version States.
Phase – displays the version phase, which can be Leading or Lagging. For information about those phases, see SuiteApp Version Phases.
Minimal Required NetSuite Version – is the minimum NetSuite version required for the install base to install this version of the SuiteApp.
Release Date – is the date and time when the version was released, displayed in your current time zone.
Installation Count – is the number of accounts that have a SuiteApp version installed.
Note:SuiteApp installations that have failed validation are not included in the total SuiteApp version installation count when the following scenarios occur:
A SuiteApp installation failed validation during an installation attempt while a user did not have a SuiteApp version installed yet.
A SuiteApp installation failed validation when a user attempted to upgrade an existing SuiteApp installation. In this scenario, the installation count still includes the failed upgrade attempt of a new SuiteApp version in the previous SuiteApp version installation count value.
Action – lists actions you can perform on the version. See SuiteApp Version Actions.
(Optional) Click Done to close the SuiteApp details and return to the My SuiteApps page.