Releasing a SuiteApp Version
SuiteApps are made available on the SuiteApp Marketplace by releasing a version of the SuiteApp. For a SuiteApp version to be released, its current state must be Pending. To be available to users on the SuiteApp Marketplace, the SuiteApp must meet the SuiteApp publishing requirements. For information, see Requirements for SuiteApp Marketplace Availability.
Consider the following constraints when releasing a SuiteApp Version:
Only two versions at a time can be in the Released state, one leading and one lagging. For more information, see SuiteApp Version Phases.
When releasing the first version of a SuiteApp, it must be leading and can be any version number.
When releasing the second version of a SuiteApp, and the first version was released as leading, the second version must be released as leading and its version number must be greater than that of the first version.
When releasing additional versions:
You can replace the previously released version by deprecating it. For more information about version states, see SuiteApp Version States.
You can make the previously released version the lagging version. Doing so replaces the previous lagging version thereby deprecating it.
After removing the SuiteApp from the SuiteApp Marketplace, the version being released must have a version number greater than the last deprecated version.
Releasing the version as leading requires that its version number be greater than both the last leading release version and the last lagging release version.
Releasing the version as lagging requires that its version number be both greater than the last lagging release version and lower than the last leading release version.
Releasing the version as lagging also deprecates the existing lagging version.
The first lagging version cannot be released directly. To create the first lagging version, release a new leading version while making the existing leading version the new lagging version. Subsequent lagging versions can be released directly.
It is not possible to repeat the release of a version. If changes are needed to the version, replace it with a subsequent version. Released versions can also be deprecated at any time. For more information, see Deprecating a SuiteApp Version.
After your users click Upgrade for an unmanaged SuiteApp, they may encounter a choice of SuiteApp versions under the following conditions:
Both SuiteApp versions support the account's current NetSuite version.
Both available versions are newer than the current SuiteApp version the account has installed.
The following diagram illustrates an example of choices that can be made when releasing a leading 1.1 version when a released leading 1.0 version exists:
To release a SuiteApp Version:
Go to Control Center > My SuiteApps > My SuiteApps.
Perform one of the following actions:
For a SuiteApp, click
and select Manage Versions.
Click the SuiteApp name to view the SuiteApp details, and click the Versions tab.
In the Version column, identify the SuiteApp version you intend to release. To release the SuiteApp version, click Release.
Consider the following when releasing a leading or lagging version:
If you are releasing a leading version and one already exists, the following options are available to you to perform on that existing version:
Deprecate – deprecates the existing leading version.
Make Lagging – releases the existing leading version as the new lagging version, while at the same time deprecating the existing lagging version.
If you are releasing a lagging version and one already exists, the existing lagging version is deprecated.
To confirm the release on the Confirm Action popup window, click Release.
The SuiteApp version is released to the SuiteApp Marketplace and the Status column is updated to Released. A confirmation appears to communicate that the release is successful.
Note:For a SuiteApp to be available to users on the SuiteApp Marketplace, it must meet the SuiteApp publishing requirements. For information, see Requirements for SuiteApp Marketplace Availability.
(Optional) If it is a managed SuiteApp you can push the SuiteApp version to the install base. For information, see Pushing a SuiteApp Version Upgrade to Users.
(Optional) Click Done to close the SuiteApp details and return to the My SuiteApps page.