Terms of Service
You can associate terms of service (ToS) with your SuiteApp and choose to require users to accept these terms before they install the SuiteApp. You can also revise the SuiteApp’s terms of service any time.
Defining SuiteApp Terms of Service
You can define terms of service for your SuiteApp, by adding the text to the form on the Terms of Service tab on the SuiteApp details page.
To define SuiteApp-specific terms of service:
Go to Control Center > My SuiteApps > My SuiteApps.
Perform one of the following actions:
For a SuiteApp, click
and select Manage Terms of Service.
Click the SuiteApp name to view the SuiteApp details, and click the Terms of Service tab.
In the provided form, enter the terms of service for using your SuiteApp.
If you want to require users to agree to terms of service before SuiteApp installation, check the Require acceptance prior to installation box. When this box is checked, users must agree to terms of service before SuiteApp installation.
Click Update to save the terms of service for your SuiteApp.
Revising SuiteApp Terms of Service
You can revise the SuiteApp’s terms of service any time, by editing the text in the form on the Terms of Service tab on the SuiteApp details page.
To revise SuiteApp-specific terms of service:
Go to Control Center > My SuiteApps > My SuiteApps.
Perform one of the following actions:
For a SuiteApp, click
and select Manage Terms of Service.
Click the SuiteApp name to view the SuiteApp details, and click the Terms of Service tab.
In the provided form, edit the terms of service for using your SuiteApp.
If you want to require users to agree to terms of service before SuiteApp installation, check the Require acceptance prior to installation box. When this box is checked, users must agree to terms of service before SuiteApp installation.
Click Update to save the terms of service for your SuiteApp.
The system only stores the current version of Terms of Service (ToS) text. Previous ToS versions are not saved and you cannot access them. It is the responsibility of the SDN Partner to maintain and track changes to the ToS text by your organization.