SuiteApp Versions

A SuiteApp version is a specific version of your SuiteApp. A SuiteApp version can be released to the SuiteApp Marketplace and pushed to users. All versions of the SuiteApp can be viewed from the version history. For information, see Viewing the SuiteApp Version History. To be available to users on the SuiteApp Marketplace, the SuiteApp must meet the SuiteApp publishing requirements. For information, see Requirements for SuiteApp Marketplace Availability.

Multiple versions can be created for a SuiteApp, but only one version can be in the Released state for each phase at any single moment in time. To create a new SuiteApp version, see Creating a SuiteApp Version.

The following diagram depicts the SuiteApp version state workflow and available actions:


For information about the available states and actions, see SuiteApp Version States and SuiteApp Version Actions. For information about phasing SuiteApp versions, see SuiteApp Version Phases.

SuiteApp Version States

SuiteApp version states appear in the SuiteApp version history. The following states are possible for a SuiteApp version:




A Deprecate action was performed on the SuiteApp version and it is no longer available on the SuiteApp Marketplace for users to install. See Deprecating a SuiteApp Version.


The SuiteApp version has been created, but it is not yet available on the SuiteApp Marketplace for users to install. See Creating a SuiteApp Version. If a release attempt fails, the version remains in the Pending state.


The SuiteApp version is available on the SuiteApp Marketplace for users to install. See Releasing a SuiteApp Version.

For managed SuiteApps, the version can also be pushed to users. For information, see Pushing a SuiteApp Version Upgrade to Users.

SuiteApp Version Actions

The actions that can be performed on a version are available from the Action column of the SuiteApp version history.

Depending on the state, one or more of the following actions can be performed on a SuiteApp version:




SuiteApp versions in the Pending state can be deleted. A deleted version is removed from version history. For more information, see Deleting a SuiteApp Version.


SuiteApp versions in the Pending state can be edited. For more information, see Editing a SuiteApp Version.


SuiteApp versions in the Pending state can be released. For more information, see Releasing a SuiteApp Version.


SuiteApp versions in the Released state can be moved to the deprecated state so that the version is no longer available on the SuiteApp Marketplace. For more information, see Deprecating a SuiteApp Version.

Upgrade Install Base

Managed SuiteApp versions in the Released state can be pushed to users of the SuiteApp.


This action:

  • does not change the state of the version

  • is only available for managed SuiteApps

For more information, see Pushing a SuiteApp Version Upgrade to Users.

SuiteApp Version Phases

SuiteApp version phasing is a way to support two release streams of a SuiteApp by separating the install base into the following upgrade phases for different SuiteApp versions:

  • The Leading phase is the newest release stream of the SuiteApp. Leading versions are released as the latest available version of the SuiteApp.

    For example, the leading SuiteApp version might make use of new NetSuite functionality, and set a minimum NetSuite version of 2019.1. After all of your customer accounts are upgraded to 2019.1, all of your SuiteApp users can be upgraded to this leading SuiteApp version.

    The leading SuiteApp version can go through several versions, as your SuiteApp is enhanced and bugs fixed.

    When a leading release version is replaced by another version, the existing leading version can be deprecated or converted to the lagging release version.

  • The Lagging phase is the pre-existing release stream of the SuiteApp that will eventually be replaced by the leading release stream.

    For example, the lagging SuiteApp version might make use of pre-existing NetSuite functionality, and set a minimum NetSuite version of 2019.1.

    The lagging SuiteApp version can go through several versions, as your SuiteApp is enhanced and bugs fixed.

You can make use of SuiteApp version phasing to ensure smooth distribution of your SuiteApp during the NetSuite phasing period where some of your users are on different versions of NetSuite. Matching your SuiteApp phasing to NetSuite release phasing provides you with a way to make use of new NetSuite functionality in your SuteApps while still supporting users of the older SuiteApp whose accounts have not yet been upgraded. You can control what accounts have each version of the SuiteApp.

It is also possible to phase your SuiteApp versions for the same version of NetSuite. For example, both your leading and lagging SuiteApp versions can require the same minimum version of NetSuite 2018.1. That can be useful for an entirely new SuiteApp with bug fixes that are being tested on a subset of your install base before being pushed out to everyone.

The currently released leading and lagging versions can be viewed from the My SuiteApps page, Version History page, and under Versions in the navigation pane of the SuiteApp details.

For information about how the version phase affects releasing a version, see Releasing a SuiteApp Version.

The following illustration depicts an example of SuiteApp versions that make use of the leading and lagging phases:


In the preceding example, 25% of the install base are on version 2.0.0 in the leading phase, receiving the latest features in the SuiteApp, while the remaining 75% of users are still on the 1.0.0 version that was made lagging during the 2.0.0 version release. Fixes continue to be released on the lagging phase while development of features and fixes proceeds on the leading phase. By version 2.0.3, all users are on the leading phase and version 1.2.0 in the lagging phase is deprecated.

For information about working with SuiteApp versions, see the following topics:

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