Types of Domains
Starting April 2, 2025, NetSuite will end support for non-secure (HTTP) domains, and the option to create new, non-secure domains has been removed from all accounts. To ensure a seamless transition and enhance your security, you should secure all your domains. See Secure Your Domain.
You require domains for different purposes in NetSuite. All domain types available in NetSuite can and must be secured. See Secure Your Domain.
When you are setting up an online store where customers can browse for products and buy them, the following domain types are available in NetSuite:
Web Store Only – also known as the shopping domain, this is the main website domain where users can browse for products. On its own, a web store domain acts as a catalog of products. Customers can browse for products but they cannot buy them. For customers to be able to buy products, the web store domain must be linked with a Checkout domain.
Checkout Only – this is the type of domain where users of your web store buy products. The checkout domain captures customer payment details.
Single Domain for Web Store and Checkout – this domain type combines the functions of both Web Store and Checkout domains. It is a single, secure domain where customers can browse for products, add them to a shopping basket, and checkout securely.
Note:If you are using SuiteCommerce MyAccount, the Domain Type associated with the SuiteCommerce MyAccount implementation should be set to Single Domain for Webstore and Checkout.
Depending on your requirements, you can set up one or more of these domain types for your online store. For more information, see Domain Options for Web Stores.
You can also set up the following domains to provide additional features on your website:
Email Campaign – the domain you use to replace references to netsuite.com in your email and marketing templates. It is required if you send more than 10,000 emails per month with campaigns or email merge operations. For more information, see Website Domains and Email Hosting for more information.
Hosted Web Page – the domain that points to a page in your NetSuite File Cabinet.
Promotional URL – the domain to which a promotional URL redirects. This can be the same as your shopping domain or it can be a separate domain. For more details, see Promotional URLs.
Redirect URL – the domain from which URLs are redirected either to a URL on a different domain or a page on a different site. For more information, see SEO and Redirects.