SuiteScript 2.x Custom Forms

Custom forms can be created using a Suitelet, a Portlet, or a user event script triggered on the beforeLoad entry point. Buttons, fields (configured or specialized), field groups, tabs and subtabs, sublists, and page links can all be included on a custom form.

When you create a custom form, you can build a custom UI to optimize your NetSuite environment while maintaining the NetSuite look and feel. There are several ways to create and manage your custom UI. You can use Customization, SuiteScript 2.x UI Components, or HTML. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Working with UI Objects

Supported Script Types for Custom Form Creation

You can use the following script types to create custom forms:

  • Suitelet: Suitelets provide the most flexibility for creating a form. Suitelets can process requests and responses directly, giving you control over the data included in a form. For information about Suitelets, see SuiteScript 2.x Suitelet Script Type.

  • Portlet: Portlets are rendered within dashboard portlets. For information about portlet scripts, see SuiteScript 2.x Portlet Script Type.

  • Before Load User Event Script: User event scripts are executed on the server when a user performs certain actions on records. You can use a before load user event script to manipulate an existing form when a user edits a record. For information about before load user event scripts, see SuiteScript 2.x User Event Script Type and beforeLoad(context).

Supported UI Components for Custom Forms

You can use the following elements in your custom forms: buttons, fields (configured or specialized), field groups, tabs and subtabs, sublists, and page links.


You can use a button to trigger specific actions. The Submit button saves edits to a record. You also can attach a client script to a form and trigger it with a custom button.


Add a customized field to a form to collect specific information from a user. Use the serverWidget.FieldType enumeration to specify the field type. Most field types include basic error checking to ensure that a user correctly formats their data.

Configuring Fields

After you add a field to a form, you can customize the positioning of the fields on the form by placing them within a field group, or on a tab or subtab.

You can define a variety of field configuration properties by setting enum values. The following are examples of commonly used field configuration properties.

Specialized Fields

The Secret Key field is a special field that can be used with the N/crypto Module to perform encryption or hashing.

The Credential field is a special text field that you can use to store credentials, such as a password, used to invoke third-party services. Credential fields can be restricted to certain domains, scripts, and users. The data stored in a credential field is encrypted, not stored as clear text.

Field Groups

Use field groups to organize and manage fields on a form. Some of the properties listed in serverWidget.FieldGroup can provide additional field group customization.

Tabs and Subtabs

You can add tabs or subtabs to a form to organize large groups of fields so that a user can use the form more easily.


A sublist is a list of child records that can be added to a parent record form.

Page Links

A page link on a form can be either a breadcrumb link or a crosslink. Breadcrumb links display a series of links leading to the location of the current page. Crosslinks are used for navigation, including links such as Forward, Back, List, Search, and Customize.

Positioning Fields on Forms

You can add field groups to position fields together with other closely related fields on custom forms. Use the properties in serverWidget.FieldGroup to add field groups to forms. You also can use Field.updateLayoutType(options) to define the positioning and placement of fields.


Some field group properties are not supported for field groups on forms, such as properties for collapsing and hiding field groups.

The following screenshot shows a single column field group above a double column field group.

Customer Information page with User Information group fields and Company Information group fields highlighted.

Field Layout Type

The serverWidget.FieldLayoutType enumerations contain values used by Field.updateLayoutType(options) to position fields outside of a field group and on the same row.

You can use the OUTSIDE value to position a field outside of a field group. You can further refine the field’s position by using the OUTSIDEABOVE and OUTSIDEBELOW value to position a field above or below a field group. The following screenshot displays three text fields positioned outside of a field group by setting these Field Layout Type values.

Field layout types OutsideAbove, Outside, and OutsideBelow highlighted.

The following code sample illustrates how to set Field Layout values to produce the field placement in the screenshot.

            //Add additional code  
var outsideAbove = form.addField({
    id: 'outsideabovefield',
    type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
    label: 'Outside Above Field'
    layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEABOVE
//Add additional code 


You can use the STARTROW, MIDROW, and ENDROW enumerations to position fields together in the same row. For example, you can group similar fields together, such as first name and last name. The following screenshot displays three text fields positioned together using these Field Layout Type values.

Field layout types StartRow, MidRow, and EndRow highlighted.

The following code sample illustrates how to set Field Layout values to produce the field placement in the screenshot.

            //Add additional code  
 var startRow = form.addField({
    id: 'startrow',
    type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
    label: 'STARTROW',
    container: 'usergroup'

    layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.STARTROW
var midRow = form.addField({
    id: 'midrow',
    type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
    label: 'MIDROW',
    container: 'usergroup'
    layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.MIDROW
var endRow = form.addField({
    id: 'endrow',
    type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
    label: 'ENDROW',
    container: 'usergroup'

    layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.ENDROW

//Add additional code 


Field Break Type

The serverWidget.FieldBreakType enumeration contains the values set by Field.updateBreakType(options) to define how fields are divided across columns and rows on forms.

  • Use the STARTCOL value to move a field to a new column. The following screenshot shows the difference between the EMAIL field when the break type is set to NONE (top image) and when it is set to STARTCOL (bottom image).


    If the isSingleColumn property (for a field group) is set to true, then breaking columns doesn't apply. You can't break on a column if you are in single column mode.

    Usergroup Field Group Email field highlighted showing FieldBreakType = STARTCOL.

    The following code sample illustrates how to set the FieldBreakType values to produce the field placement in the screenshot.

                    //Add additional code
    var email = form.addField({
        id: 'emailfield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.EMAIL,
        label: 'Email',
        container: 'usergroup'
        breakType : serverWidget.FieldBreakType.STARTCOL
    //Add additional code 

    Use the STARTROW value to move a field to a new row. The STARTROW value can only be used on fields that are positioned outside of a field group. The NONE value is the default configuration, and does not move a field to a new row. For information about how to position a field outside of a field group, see serverWidget.FieldLayoutType and Field.updateLayoutType(options).

    The following screenshot shows the difference between a field with a break type set to STARTROW and STARTCOL.

    Outside with FieldBreakType=StartRow and Outside with FieldBreakType=None layout options highlighted.

    The following code sample illustrates how to set the FieldBreakType to STARTROW to produce the field placement in the screenshot.

                    //Add additional code 
    ... outsideAbove = form.addField({
        id: 'outsideabovefield',
        type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT,
        label: 'OUTSIDEABOVE'
        layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEABOVE
        layoutType: serverWidget.FieldLayoutType.STARTROW
    //Add additional code 

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