Using Sublist Action Groups
You can execute actions on sublist lines as part of workflows for transaction records with Sublist Action Groups. A Sublist Action Group is a group of actions assigned to a workflow state that is to be executed on each line of a sublist. Whether the actions execute during a workflow state is contingent on the group’s and group actions' conditions. The sublist action group’s condition determine if the group executes. For the group to execute, the group’s condition must evaluate to true. If the group’s condition evaluates to true, the workflow iterates over all sublist lines and attempts to execute each of the actions within the group. If a group action’s condition evaluates to true for a sublist line, the action executes on the sublist line. All actions are evaluated for the possibility of execution on a sublist line before the group moves to the next sublist line. After an action is evaluated, the result of the action is immediately taken into account for the evaluation of subsequent group actions. For example, consider a sublist line’s Description field that has a value of Val1. A sublist action group has the two following Set Field Value actions:
Set Field Value action 1 sets the sublist line’s Description field value to Val2.
Set Field Value action 2 has a condition that will execute the action if the sublist line’s Description field’s value is Val2.
Both Set Field Value actions are executed. The first action has no condition and changes the value of the sublist line’s Description field to Val2. When the second action is evaluated, it sees the value set by the first action and knows to execute next.
You can include the following action types in Sublist Action Groups:
Set Field Value. This action lets you set the values for record body fields, custom workflow state fields, and sublist fields. You can also set values for these fields depending on the values of the same types of fields (record body, workflow state, sublist).
Create Record. This action lets you create a new record, depending on the values of record body fields, custom workflow state fields, and sublist fields. For example, when a training item is ordered on a sales order record, you can create a task record for the training supplies for that order.
Send Email. This action lets you send an email for each item line. You can use all of the line fields, body fields, workflow and state custom fields in the subject and body of the email. To access the currently processing line from within an email template, use the prefix currentLine.
Return User Error. This action returns a user error for the record. You can use all of the line fields, body fields, workflow and state custom fields in the subject and body of the email. Because the action is executed on the server, the error is returned as a full-page message.
Sublist Action Groups can be executed on all server triggers. They cannot be executed on client triggers. For information about workflow triggers, see Triggers Reference.
There are several things to keep in mind about executing sublist action groups and the actions within them on the Before Load Trigger. For details, see Executing Sublist Action Groups on the Before Load Trigger.
Sublist Action Groups are available for all workflow definitions created on transaction records. Sublist Action Groups cannot be used on opportunity records. To configure a sublist action group, you first create the group, then you add actions to the group.
To configure a sublist action group, you first create the group, then you add actions to the group. For information about configuring actions for sublist action groups, see Configuring Actions for Sublist Action Groups.
To create a sublist action group:
If you have not already done so, open the existing workflow that contains the state where you want to create an action group in edit mode.
See Viewing Existing Workflows and Workflow Manager Interface View and Edit Modes.
In the diagrammer, select the state and click the Edit icon on the State tab in the context panel.
Click New Sublist Group. The Sublist Action Group window appears with the Type field set to Sublist Action Group.
In the Workflow Action Group window, enter the following properties for the action group:
Insert Before
Location in the current list of actions for a state in which to insert the action group. Actions for the same trigger type execute in the order in which they appear on the Actions subtab for the state or for a specific action group.
Use this field to reorder actions in an action group. See Reordering Actions.
Trigger On
Type of trigger on which to execute this group. This property is required. Be aware that you cannot execute sublist action groups on client triggers. You can only execute sublist action groups on server triggers.
For more information, see Workflow Triggers and Triggers Reference.
Note:If you change the trigger type for the action group, NetSuite returns an error if any action in the group is not compatible with the new trigger type.
Event Types
The activity that resulted in the record being created, viewed, or updated. The actions of the action group execute only if the context occurs.
For example, you can limit the action to execute only if a record was copied.
You can select multiple event types.
For more information, see Workflow Event Types and Event Types Reference.
The NetSuite functionality or feature used to create, view, or update the record. The workflow instance initiates only if the context occurred.
For example, you can limit the workflow instance initiation to only when the record for the workflow was created by a web service. For more information, see Execution Contexts and Execution Context Types.
To make the group inactive, enable the Inactive property. The next time the workflow executes, the actions in the group do not execute. Inactive sublist action groups are dimmed in the context panel.
To enter a condition for the action group, use the Condition Builder or Formula Builder.
The condition criteria must be met for the actions in the group to execute. Use a condition to limit the situations in which all actions in a group execute, for example, only for a specific user. For more information, see Working with Conditions.
Be aware that sublist action group’s condition can include only record body fields. The actions within the sublist action group can contain both recordy body and sublist fields.
Optionally, select a saved search as a condition for action group execution. The actions in the group execute if the current record in the workflow is returned from the saved search.
To appear in the dropdown list, the saved search record type must be the same as the base record type for the workflow. For more information, see Executing an Action with a Saved Search Condition.
In the Parameters section of the Sublist Action Group window, the Items sublist is selected in the Sublist dropdown list.
Optionally, enter a schedule. The actions in the group execute on the schedule you enter after the record enters the state in the workflow. For more information, see Scheduling an Action.
Click Save. The new group appears in the list of actions for the state on the Actions subtab. You can also view sublist action groups on the State tab in the context panel. For details, see Workflow Context Panel.
After saving the new group, you can add actions to the group.
Sublist Action Groups support only the Items and the Expense Report's Expenses sublists. You cannot use Sublist Action Groups for any other type of sublist.
To add actions to a sublist action group:
In the context panel’s State tab, point to a sublist action group’s name. When you point to a sublist action group, icons appear that let you add actions to the group, edit the group, or delete the group from the state.
Click the + icon.
On the New Action window, click the type of action you want to add to the group. You can select from the following actions:
Configure the selected action. See Configuring Actions for Sublist Action Groups.
Repeat steps 1 through 4 to add more actions to the group.
Configuring Actions for Sublist Action Groups
Be aware of the following as you configure actions for your sublist action groups:
Items sublist fields are available for use in conditions, formulas, and action parameters.
Sublist fields are in alphabetical order in lists of fields. These fields are indicated with the suffix (Line), such as Item (Line).
To reference a body field in a formula, use the following format: {fieldid}. For example, a body field with an id of memo should be referenced as {memo}.
To reference a sublist field in a formula, use the following format {line.fieldid}. For example, a sublist field with an id of description should be referenced as {line.description}.
Body fields in conditions and parameters do not have a prefix or suffix.
Sublist fields are identified in conditions and parameters with the prefix Line : . For example:
In the action list of the sublist action group, in the Parameters column, parameters are listed in the following format: Line : Description =Line : Item : Store Description .
In the action list of the sublist action group, in the Condition column, conditions are listed in the following format: Condition : Line : Description =test.
On the Set Field Value action detail page, in the Condition field, conditions are listed in the following format: Condition : Line : Description =test.
Executing Sublist Action Groups on the Before Load Trigger
Be aware of the following for sublist action groups and the actions within sublist action groups that are set to trigger on Before Record Load:
You can get Items sublist field values on new and existing records on the Before Record Load trigger. For example, obtaining a value to evaluate in a condition.
You can set body fields, Items sublist fields, workflow, and state field values on new and copied records on the Before Record Load trigger.
You cannot set body or Items sublist fields on existing records on the Before Record Load trigger.
You can set workflow and state fields on existing records on the Before Record Load trigger.