Submitting Multiple Deployments of the Same Script

The system does not permit you to submit a single script deployment for processing multiple times simultaneously. That is, if one instance of the deployment has been submitted and not yet finished, you cannot submit the same deployment again. You must wait for the unfinished instance to complete.

If you need to submit multiple instances of a single map/reduce script for processing at the same time, or within a short time frame, the correct approach is to create multiple deployments of the script and submit each deployment as needed.

There are multiple advantages to this technique. For example, this approach lets you process two or more instances of the script in parallel. Additionally, if you need a map/reduce script to be processed multiple times in the same general time frame, you can submit both instances at the same time without having to worry about the second submission failing with an error. The alternative would be to monitor the progress of the first script deployment instance and then submit the second deployment only after completion of the first.

Note that if a deployment has already been submitted but not yet finished, and you open the deployment record for editing in the UI, the deployment record’s Save and Execute option is not available. If you try to submit the deployment programmatically in this case, the system throws the MAP_REDUCE_ALREADY_RUNNING error.

For help creating or submitting a deployment, see the following topics:

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General Notices