Inventory Management
NetSuite 2025.1 includes the following enhancements to inventory management features:
Warehouse Management Enhancements
In NetSuite 2025.1, NetSuite WMS includes the following capabilities for inbound, inventory, or outbound processing:
Use of NetSuite WMS requires that you install two SuiteApps in the following order: (1) SCM Mobile and (2) Oracle NetSuite WMS.
Pick Task Decomposition Preference
You can set the Allow Pick Decomposition on Waves preference as your default preference for waves. It automatically checks the Apply Pick Decomposition setting for waves created through the NetSuite UI. On scheduled wave releases and waves generated for single unreleased orders on the app, you can check the same setting for pick decomposition. For more information, see Setting Warehouse Management Preferences.
You can configure a base unit and at least one of its convertible units that you want to use on a Units for Pick Decomposition record. The sets of units you configure apply to regular inventory or lot items that use the base unit. On item records, you can assign a specific set of units per item.
Based on your configured set of units, NetSuite WMS generates one pick task for each unit used to decompose the quantity on a wave’s order line. Considering the largest unit first, it chooses one or more units that are larger than the unit on the order line. Otherwise, quantities that could not be decomposed continue to use the order line unit.
Option Not to Update Quantities of Re-released Lines
Previously, NetSuite WMS creates new waves for re-release lines with backordered quantities only if you have started to pick the items. Now, you can disable the Update Quantity of Re-released Pick Task Lines preference to always create new waves for re-released backordered quantities. For more information, see Re-releasing Lines with Backorders or Setting Warehouse Management Preferences.
Partial Pick Reversal
When you reverse pick tasks on the app, you can now enter the quantity you want to reverse per pick task line. For lot items, you can also specify the quantity to reverse per lot number. NetSuite WMS adjusts the picked quantities on associated pick tasks, item fulfillments, and orders. For more information, see Pick Task Reversal.
New Replenish via Cart Process
On the app, you can now choose the Replenishment via Cart process from the Inventory submenu. It enables you to add items to a cart from different bins. Then, you can transfer them at the same time to the bin you want to replenish. For more information, see Replenishment.
Item Label Printing During Bin Replenishment
Before you complete a replenishment, you can print labels for regular inventory, lot, or serialized items. For more information, see Mobile Printing for NetSuite WMS.
Adjustment Reasons for Create Inventory Process
You can activate the Entry of additional details rule to require a reason and adjustment account when you create inventory through the app. It also enables optional entry of a memo, class, and department. NetSuite WMS displays these details on the inventory adjustment generated after you create the inventory.
When you activate the rule, make sure that you also preconfigure the adjustment reasons you want to use for creating inventory. For more information, see Creating Inventory.
Receiving in Different Units Through Tally Scanning
For all receiving processes, except returns receiving, you can specify an item’s unit before you tally scan its bar code. This capability applies to regular inventory and lot items only. For reference, you can view the unit conversion to check the quantities you want to receive against the remaining and received quantities. For more information, see Inbound Processing. To set up Tally Scanning, see System Rules for NetSuite WMS.
Receive All option for PO Receiving
You can activate the Enable Receive All option rule to receive all the items on a purchase order at the same time.
New WMS Preferred Bins for Putaway
You can activate the Recommend WMS Preferred bins rule to choose bins to recommend during item putaway. On item records, you can set the WMS Preferred and WMS Sequence # columns on the Bin Numbers subtab. When you put away items on the app, the Recommended Bin field displays the WMS Preferred bin that has the first sequence number. The bin list displays other available bins, including other WMS Preferred bins and the Preferred (Per Location) bin. For more information, see Item Putaway.
CSV Import for Bin Transfers
You can use the Bin Transfer custom record to import CSV files that contain your bin, item, and transfer details. For more information about CSV imports, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.
Filtering Orders by Date
If you activate the Add Date Filtering rule, you can specify the number of months by which you want to filter orders. On the app, the orders table displays the Filter by Date field with the list of number of months for selection. During item picking, you can view the sales, transfer, or work orders created in the past number of months that you have selected. Aside from the picking processes, date filtering also applies to cycle counting and receiving of purchase orders, transfer orders, or inbound shipments. To activate the rule, see System Rules for NetSuite WMS.
Displaying the Unit Conversion Table
If you use the Multiple Units of Measure feature, you can view the unit conversion table on the app. On the Enter Quantity page of a standard mobile process, you can tap the units icon to open the Conversion Units and Rates popup window. For more information, see Common Mobile Pages and Screens.
New Pick Task Failure Report
Under the outbound reports, the Pick Task Failure report provides a list of pick task lines with failures during item fulfillment generation. You can search for orders, waves, or pick tasks with these failures and view the error message for each pick task line.
Supply Planning Enhancements
NetSuite 2025.1includes the following capabilities for Supply Planning:
Scoped Planning Repository Refresh
With NetSuite 2025.1, you can now choose to refresh the planning repository for only the data that matches the criteria of a selected Plan Definition. A new Scope sections appears on the Refresh Planning Repository Schedule page, where you can set one of the following preferences:
Global Refresh: Refresh all eligible planning Items and Locations in the system.
Scoped Refresh: Refresh all planning Items and Locations in the scope of the selected Supply Plan Definitions.
Access the new preference at Transactions > Supply Planning > Refresh Planning Repository > Schedule.
For more information, see Creating a Refresh Planning Repository Schedule.
Supplier Filter on Supply Planning Workbench
As of NetSuite 2025.1, with the new Supplier filter on the Supply Planning Workbench, you can filter workbench results to items that are assigned to a specific preferred supplier. To access the new filter on the workbench, go to Transactions > Supply Planning > Supply Planning Definitions. Beside the supply plan you want to view, in the Planning Workbench column, click View Results.
For more information, see Creating a Refresh Planning Repository Schedule.
Query Item Data using the Planned Order Saved Search
With NetSuite 2025.1, when you run a query using the Planned Order Search, you can now include criteria on the item record, such as the replenishment method. For example, you can configure your query to return only planned orders for items with the replenishment method set to MPS.
To access the new query capabilities on the Planned Order Search, go to Transactions > Supply Planning > Planned Orders > Search.