Inventory Management

NetSuite 2024.2 includes the following enhancements to inventory management features:

Review Item Line/Inventory Detail Quantity Mismatch Task


This new task for the Period Close Checklist is targeted to be available by Fall 2024.

NetSuite 2024.2 provides the Review Item Line/Inventory Detail Quantity Mismatch task for the Period Close checklist. This new task displays a list of inventory posting transactions that contain quantity mismatches between item lines and their associated inventory detail. Optionally, you can view each transaction and resolve the mismatches. Within the current accounting period, you must mark the task complete before you can proceed to the next task, Review Negative Inventory. For more information, see Inventory Tasks on the Period Close Checklist.

Warehouse Management Enhancements

In NetSuite 2024.2, you can view the time in the following date fields on wave transactions:

  • Created Date

  • Released Date

  • Completed Date

Using both date and time, you can prioritize orders as you process them on the app and view reports..

To display the time in these fields, NetSuite WMS follows your Time Zone and Time Format preferences. For more information, see General Personal Preferences.

The updated Wave saved search now includes the Printed Pick Ticket filtering criteria. You can set this filter to generate a list of waves with or without printed pick tickets. For more information, see Printing Pick Tickets from Wave Transactions.

Enhancements to the NetSuite WMS app include the following:

Renaming of the WMS Limited Access Role

The WMS Limited Access role will be renamed to Specialized User - WMS. Within the NetSuite UI, all references to the role will be renamed.

The name change will not affect custom roles that you have created based on the standard role.

For availability and more information about this role, see Warehouse Management Roles and Permissions.

Cycle Counts Updates

The new Generate from Plan mobile process enables you to create inventory counts from a cycle count plan on the app. For each plan, you can create counts for up to ten items at a time.

To further enhance cycle counting on the app, you can activate the Start and complete counts on app rule. After you generate and release inventory counts, you can start them to make them available to counters. When they process and complete the cycle counts, the app automatically submits them for approval.

Scheduling Bin Replenishment

You can create and run schedules for bin replenishment on the NetSuite UI. When you create a schedule, you can specify the frequency, start time, and end time. You can receive notifications for successful or failed runs. Bin replenishment tasks generated from a schedule become available for processing on the app. For more information, see Replenishment.

Lot Autonumbering for Work Order Assembly

The Autogenerate Lot Numbers? rule now enables you to generate lot numbers within the Build Assembly mobile process for work orders. When you enable autonumbering for a lot item, you can generate lot numbers during assembly build processing on the app.

Bar Code Scanning for Bulk Serial Numbers

The Scan bar codes with bulk serial numbers? rule enables you to scan an item bar code with up to 50 serial numbers. When you receive a purchase order, you can scan the serialized item bar code without entering or scanning each serial number. On the associated item receipt, you can review the serial numbers of a received item.

Changing Bins During Order Picking

For all the sales or transfer order picking flows, you can pick partial quantities of an item from different bins. You can enter the quantity to pick from the first bin, and then tap Other Bin to choose another bin to pick from. For more information, see Picking Orders.

To activate the new system rules available in NetSuite 2024.2, see System Rules for NetSuite WMS.

Supply Planning Enhancements

The 2024.2 NetSuite Supply Planning release includes updates to the Supply Planning Workbench, Planning Repository, and more. These updates provide new supply planning options and improvements to the Planning Engine logic and Workday Calendar.

Remove a Supply Order from the Repository

To fix transaction issues need in the transactional system you would refresh the repository to remove the transaction from the planning repository so the engine could run cleanly. The 2024.2 enhancement enables you to open the transaction record and check the new Exclude from Supply Planning box to remove the transaction from the most current planning repository version. A system refresh is not needed.

For more information, see Entering a Transfer Order.

Combine Minimum Order Quantity with Lot Sizing Options

This enhancement enables customers to pair Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) with any lot sizing option. Customers who use MOQ will be migrated to a combination of their MOQ and a lot sizing method of lot for lot. Customers who use MOQ will have their setup changed to use the lot sizing option with the limit of their current MOQ.

To learn more, see .Setting Up Supply Planning

Planning Workbench Filter Action Messages for Firm Supply Orders

For NetSuite 2024.2 Supply Planning, the Supply Planning Workbench View record includes filters for both firmed and un-firmed orders. The following filters will be available in the workbench to help distinguish between these different action types:

  • Cancel Firm

  • Lead Time Threshold

  • Reschedule In

  • Reschedule In Firm

  • Reschedule Out

  • Reschedule Out Firm

  • Lead Time Fence Threshold

For more information, see Creating a Planning Workbench View.

Extend Limit for Demand Plan Horizon and Purchase Lead Time Beyond One Year

Previously, the Supply Planning demand plan horizon and purchase lead-time was limited to one year. With the release of NetSuite 2024.2, this time line limit is extended to fewer than ten years for both the demand plan horizon and purchase lead time.

Plan Definition Pre-Check to Report Cycle Errors

With the release of NetSuite 2024.2, the Supply Planning Event Log displays a link Cycle Error messages that clearly describes the error setup or transactions that are causing the cycle errors and how to correct the error.

Instead of re-running the repository to get rid of this error, you can now exclude this error from your supply plan.

For more informaiton, see Entering a Transfer Order.

Workday Calendar for Purchase Orders

The NetSuite 2024.2 Supply Planning Engine recognizes workday calendar entries for purchase orders. An option on the location record enables you to enforce the workday calendar for work orders, purchase orders, or both.

For more information, see Creating Locations.

General Notices