
For warehouse locations that use bins, you can replenish inventory at the item level or at the bin level. If you want to drive replenishment based on an item’s stocked quantity, you can do so manually using a replenishment report. If you want to drive replenishment based on a primary bin’s stocked quantity, you can do so using a workflow generated from a replenishment plan.

Replenishing Inventory Using a Replenishment Report

You can manually determine the required replenishment for an item using a replenishment report. First, set replenishment quantities on your item records and then access the replenishment report showing the current inventory for items in your warehouse. The report shows a list of items and their quantities per bin location, including the replenishment quantities set on their item records.

Using the Warehouse role, you can access a replenishment report by going to Reports > Inventory/Items > WMS Replen Items Details.

For more information about setting replenishment quantities on items records, see Creating Items for NetSuite WMS.

Replenishing Inventory Using a Replenishment Plan

NetSuite WMS supports inventory replenishment for items’ primary bins. First, set replenishment quantities on your primary bin records and then generate replenishment plans. When you assign the resulting replenishment tasks, the assigned users complete and track the tasks using mobile devices.

The following replenishment fields appear on the bin record and are used to calculate when replenishment tasks are required to restock items in the bin:

  • WMS Replen Min Qty – the minimum quantity of an item a bin should contain before it should be replenished.

  • WMS Replen Max Qty – the maximum quantity of an item a bin can contain after you replenish it.

  • WMS Replen Qty – the default quantity of an item to be used for replenishment tasks.

  • WMS Replen Round Qty – the multiple to which the required replenishment quantity should be rounded down to determine the required number of replenishment tasks.

When an item's on-hand quantity in a bin is less than the quantity set in the WMS Replen Min Qty field, NetSuite WMS generates replenishment tasks. NetSuite WMS generates the required replenishment tasks based on the quantities set on the bin record. For example, consider a bin record with an on-hand quantity of 15 and the following replenishment quantities:

  • WMS Replen Min Qty = 20

  • WMS Replen Max Qty = 180

  • WMS Replen Qty = 50

  • WMS Replen Round Qty = 10

NetSuite WMS calculates a required quantity of 165 as the difference between the maximum quantity and the on-hand quantity. Because the round quantity is set to a multiple of 10, the system rounds the required quantity down to 160. The system creates a replenishment task for each multiple of the replenishment quantity and for the round quantity to equal the required quantity. The following are the four created tasks with their associated quantities:

  • Task 1 = 50

  • Task 2 = 50

  • Task 3 = 50

  • Task 4 = 10

For more information about setting replenishment quantities on your primary bin records, see Creating Bin Locations or Carts.

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