Compliance 360 Activity Log

The Compliance 360 activity log enables you to see who accessed the personal information of your customers as well as the actions they performed.

The Activity Log feature monitors only record types that may contain customer-related sensitive information. A log is created when users access customer information through the following channels:


Activity for each NetSuite account type is tracked independently. For example, the data from the Activity Log in your production account is not synchronized with data from the Activity Log in your sandbox account.

For more information about limitations of Compliance 360 SuiteApp, see Limitations of Compliance 360 SuiteApp.


You cannot delete customer records when the Activity Log feature is enabled. If you attempt to delete a customer record, NetSuite shows a dependency error.

To view the activity log, go to Compliance 360 > Activity Log > View. By default, the log shows the information for the past month.

The activity log shows 10,000 results. To find the results you need and for better performance, use the Access Date Range filter.

The following table shows what information you can view and filter in the Compliance 360 activity log.


Column Content

Log Date

Date and time when the data was accessed, displayed in the time zone of the user who accessed the log.


Name of the user who accessed the data.

User Role

Role of the user who accessed the data.

IP Address

The IP address used by the user to access the data.


Customer whose data was accessed by the user.


Type of action performed. Possible values include:

  • Create

  • View

  • Export

  • Basic Print

  • Advanced Print

  • Saved Search

  • CSV Export

  • PDF Export

  • Full CSV Export

  • Analytics Workbook

  • Report


Where the customer data was accessed from. In most cases, this column shows the name of the associated record that contains customer information.


The URL of the accessed data.

Edit History

For logs that show Edit in the Action column, the View History link displays in the Edit History column.

By clicking the View History link, the Modification History popup opens. The popup shows the edit history of the record, including time stamps.

The link to the customer record involved is also displayed in the popup.

Filters in Compliance 360 Activity Log

The Compliance 360 activity log is filterable and exportable. You can customize the records shown in activity log by applying filters.

The following table lists the filters that can be applied to the activity log:



Access Data Range

Filters the log by your selected date range.

By default, no records will be displayed in the activity log. For records to be displayed, you must first select an access date range.


Filters the log based on the names of the users who accessed customer information.

User Role

Filters the log based on the roles of the users who accessed customer information.


Filters the log based on the names of the customers.


Filters the log based on the actions performed on customer information.

To apply the selected one or multiple filters, click Apply Filters.

You can customize the number of data displayed in the activity log. From the Show dropdown list, select your preferred number of data to show in the activity log.

Click Print to print the log. Alternatively, you can export the log in CSV format.

The Personal Information Access Logs dataset is related to the Activity Log feature. This dataset allows you to make use of all SuiteAnalytics capabilities in NetSuite, in addition to the visualizations provided by the Compliance 360 SuiteApp. For more information, see Personal Information Access Logs Dataset and Workbook.

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General Notices