Creating a Standard Subscription Plan

You can combine a standard subscription plan with configurable subscriptions. When working with a standard subscription plan, you will manually create the subscription plan and any dependent records with SuiteBilling. You must also follow the specific requirements outlined in this help topic. These requirements ensure that the subscription plan is compatible with configurable subscriptions.

The following table summarizes the steps to combine a standard subscription plan with configurable subscriptions.

Step Number



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SuiteBilling Help Topic


Subscription plan member items

Manually create the member items of the subscription plan.

Alternatively, you can use existing items in your account.

Creating Member Items for the Standard Subscription Plan

Creating Items for Subscription Plans


Subscription plan

Create a standard subscription plan. Alternatively, you can use an existing subscription plan in your account.

Creating the Standard Subscription Plan

Creating Subscription Plans


Price book

Create a standard price book.

Creating the Price Book and Price Plan for the Standard Subscription Plan

Creating Price Books


Price plan

Create a standard price plan for every price book line.

Creating the Price Book and Price Plan for the Standard Subscription Plan

Creating Price Plans


Link between the standard subscription plan and the product

Assign the standard subscription plan to the product as the base item.

Assigning the Configurable Subscription Plan to the Product as the Base Item

After working with the standard subscription plan, create the configurable subscription. For more information, see Creating a Configurable Subscription.

Creating Member Items for the Standard Subscription Plan

Manually create the items that you will select as member items for the subscription plan. Member items will be inherited by all configurable subscriptions created from the subscription plan. If no item should be inherited, create at least one placeholder item. Without member items, the subscription plan cannot be saved. For more information, see Creating Items for Subscription Plans.

Creating the Standard Subscription Plan

Manually create a standard subscription plan with SuiteBilling. Under the Lines subtab, add the required member items or the placeholder one. Complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed. For more information, see Creating Subscription Plans.

If you work with a placeholder line item, do not check the Required box. If you do not set this option, the placeholder line item will not be added to the transaction. However, it will still be inherited by the subscription.

Creating the Price Book and Price Plan for the Standard Subscription Plan

After creating the subscription plan, manually create the price book for the subscription plan with SuiteBilling. Add a price plan for every price book line. During the setup, complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed. For more information, see Creating Price Plans and Creating Price Books.

Assigning the Standard Subscription Plan to the Product as the Base Item

After creating the standard subscription plan and associated records, assign the subscription plan to the product as the base item. Use this option to add a single subscription plan to the transaction.

In NetSuite CPQ Configurator, go to the product record. In the Base Generic Product field, select the standard subscription plan you have previously created. For more information about base items, see Assigning Base Items to Products.

Alternatively, if you need to add multiple subscription plans to the transaction, create an additional item for each subscription plan. On the additional item record, you can find the Item field. Use this field to link the additional item to the subscription plan. For more information about additional items, see Including Additional Items Related to the Configurable Item.

General Notices