Creating a Configurable Subscription

After creating the subscription plan—either standard or configurable—you can work with the configurable subscription. Start by creating the answer to store its internal ID. The following table summarizes the steps to work with configurable subscriptions.

Step Number



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NetSuite CPQ Help Topic

SuiteBilling Help Topic


Answer for subscription ID

Create the answers to store the internal ID of the newly created subscription.

Gathering Information with Questions and Answers



Create a creation record for the subscription.

Working with a Subscription on a Creation Record

Creating Records Required by the Configuration


Additional line items

Include additional line items in the subscription.

Including Additional Line Items in the Subscription


Lines and Pricing subslists

Create RCR sublist records for the sublists.

Working with the Lines and Pricing Sublists on RCR Sublist Records

Adding Record Sublists and Setting Field Values


Price plans for sublist lines

Create creation records for the price plans associated with the Pricing sublist lines.

Creating Price Plans with Creation Records for Line Items

Creating Records Required by the Configuration

Creating Price Plans


Sublist lines

Create RCR sublist component records for the sublist lines.

Working with Sublist Lines on RCR Sublist Component Records

Adding Record Sublists and Setting Field Values

After setting up the configurable subscription, you must ensure that the subscription will be associated with the corresponding lines on the transaction. For more information, see Associating the Subscription with the Subscription Plan Line.

Working with a Subscription on a Creation Record

When working with a configurable subscription, use a creation record to automatically create the subscription with NetSuite CPQ Configurator.


Make sure you associate the subscription with the corresponding subscription plan and price book during the setup.

To work with a subscription on a creation record:

  1. On a product record opened for editing, go to the Record Creation subtab.

  2. Click New CPQC Record Creation.

  3. In the Type field, select Subscription.

    Alternatively, select an existing subscription as a template record.

  4. The subscription record must be created last. Assign the greatest sequence number of all creation records that will be listed under the Record Creation subtab.

  5. In the Write to QA field, select the answer where you want to store the internal ID.

  6. If you want to include additional lines in the subscription, check the Dynamic Mode box. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Standard and Dynamic Modes.

    In the Lines sublist you will create later, lines will be appended to the inherited ones. This option requires dynamic mode to work properly.


    Dynamic mode may be incompatible with the fixed order used to store fields and their values under the Fields subtab.

  7. Complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed.

  8. Go to the Fields subtab.

    During the setup, complete the required fields in the following order:

    1. Customer

    2. Subsidiary

    3. Currency

    4. Initial Term

    5. Subscription Plan

    6. Price Book

    7. Start Date

    If you follow this order, some required fields will automatically load their options.

  9. Complete the required fields starting from the Customer field.

    1. In the Value column, provide the customer ID. Two options are available:

      • Enter the predefined answer for the customer as a resolve expression {NS/ENTITYID}. This predefined answer stores the ID of the customer specified on the transaction.

      • Create an answer to store the customer ID and enter question and answer codes as a resolve expression {Q/A}.

    2. In the Emulated Value column, select a placeholder customer. Make sure you choose a placeholder customer from a subsidiary that can work with subscriptions.

  10. Some accounts may not include the Subscription Plan and the Price Book as required fields. Click Add to include these fields.

  11. In the Field Name column:

    • Select the Subscription Plan field.

    • Select the Price Book field.

  12. To specify the subscription plan and the price book values, two options are available:

    • If you use an existing subscription plan and price book, select them in the Select Value column.

    • If you will automatically create the subscription plan and price book, specify the answers where you stored their internal IDs. In the Value column, enter question and answer codes as a resolve expression {Q/A}.

  13. Complete any additional fields as needed.

  14. Click Save.

Including Additional Line Items in the Subscription

Subscriptions automatically inherit the member items from the subscription plan. You may want to include extra line items in the subscription in addition to those automatically inherited from the subscription plan. To add line items to the subscription, use:

  • RCR sublist records to create sublists.

  • Creation records if you need price plans for the sublist lines.

  • RCR sublist component records to create sublist lines.

For more information, see the following help topics:

Working with the Lines and Pricing Sublists on RCR Sublist Records

When adding line items to the subscription, use RCR sublist records to create the following sublists:

  • Lines (subscriptionline)

  • Pricing (priceinterval)

The Pricing sublist is required because line items must be associated with pricing data. Then, create sublist lines with RCR sublist component records.

If the subscription needs to inherit only the original member items of the subscription plan, you do not need to create these sublists. You may use this option when automatically creating a subscription plan that already includes all required lines.

To access RCR sublist records, edit the previously saved creation record for the subscription. Then, go to the Sublists subtab. Lastly, click New CPQC RCR Sublist.

Set up the Lines sublist first.

To work with the Lines sublist:

  1. In the Sublist ID field, select subscriptionline.

  2. Assign a sequence number.

  3. In the Line Add Method field, select Append.

    This option adds the new lines below the existing lines.


    With this option, you must check the Dynamic Mode box on the creation record for the subscription.

  4. Click Save.

After working with the Lines sublist, set up the Pricing sublist.

To work with the Pricing sublist:

  1. In the Sublist ID field, select priceinterval.

  2. Assign a sequence number. The Pricing sublist must have a greater sequence number than the Lines sublist.

  3. In the Line Add Method field, select Overwrite.

    This option writes the new lines over existing ones starting from the first line.

  4. Click Save.

Creating Price Plans with Creation Records for Line Items

Before working with sublist lines, take care of possible price plans you may need to associate with the lines. Pricing data can be specified through price plans for any line item type. You will need a price plan for every line where you want to apply it. For more information, see Working with Lines for the Pricing Sublist.


With recurring and usage line items, you can only use price plans to specify pricing data.

Before working with price plans, create the answers to store their internal IDs. Then, use creation records to create the price plans.

To work with a price plan on a creation record:

  1. On a product record opened for editing, go to the Record Creation subtab.

  2. Click New CPQC Record Creation.

  3. In the Type field, select Price Plan.

    Alternatively, select an existing price plan as a template record.

  4. Price plans must be created before the subscription. Assign a lower sequence number than the one for the subscription.

  5. In the Write to QA field, select the answer where you want to store the internal ID.

  6. Check the Dynamic Mode box. Price plans can only be created in dynamic mode. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Standard and Dynamic Modes.


    Dynamic mode may be incompatible with the fixed order used to store fields and their values under the Fields subtab.

  7. Complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed.

  8. Under the Fields subtab, specify the currency and type. These are body fields.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Under the Sublists subtab, create the price tiers sublist (ID: pricetiers) with an RCR sublist record. For more information, see Adding Record Sublists and Setting Field Values.

  11. Under the Components subtab, create at least one sublist line with an RCR sublist component record. For more information, see Adding Record Sublists and Setting Field Values.

Working with Sublist Lines on RCR Sublist Component Records

After working with the Lines and Pricing sublists, create their sublist lines with RCR sublist component records.

To access RCR sublist line records, edit the previously saved RCR sublist record. Then, go to the Components subtab. Lastly, click New CPQC RCR Sublist Component.

Working with Lines for the Lines Sublist

When creating lines for the Lines sublist, add as many lines as needed. Under the Fields subtab, add the Include box and check it. This option ensures that the line will be added to the transaction. Then, complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed.

Working with Lines for the Pricing Sublist

When creating lines for the Pricing sublist, make sure you include a line for each inherited line item from the subscription plan. Because this sublist is created by overwriting existing lines, this setup ensures that the process starts from the first line.

If you do not want to edit inherited line items, remove any fields—including required fields—under the Fields subtab and leave the subtab blank. If you do this, inherited line fields will not be overwritten during the creation process. If you want to edit inherited line items, you can maintain any existing fields you want to change and add any additional fields as needed.

You can specify pricing data for any line item type by creating price plans with creation records. You can find information about the line item type in the Line Type field, which can take on one of the following values: one-time, recurring, usage, or commit plus overage. For more information about creating price plans for sublist lines, see Creating Price Plans with Creation Records for Line Items.

Some line item type have specific requirements or additional ways to specify pricing data:

  • Recurring and usage line items – These line items only work with price plans. You must create a price plan with a creation record for this line item type.

    When creating the line, add the Price Plan field under the Fields subtab. Then, enter the answer that stores its internal ID as a resolve expression {Q/A}.

  • One-time line items – As an alternative to the price plan, you can directly provide pricing data on the line. Under the Fields subtab, add the Total Interval Value field and provide a value.

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