Creating a Configurable Subscription Plan
You can automatically create a configurable subscription plan and any associated records with NetSuite CPQ Configurator. The following table shows the steps required to work with a configurable subscription plan.
Step Number |
Name |
Description |
This Help Topic |
SuiteBilling Help Topic |
1 |
Answers for record IDs |
Create the answers to store the internal IDs of the newly created records:
— |
2 |
Subscription plan member items |
To automatically create the member items of the subscription plan, create an item creation record for each member item. Alternatively, use existing items in your account or manually create them. |
Creating Member Items for the Configurable Subscription Plan |
3 |
Subscription plan |
Create an item creation record for the configurable subscription plan. |
4 |
Link between the subscription plan and its member items |
Create an ITCR component record for each member item to add them to the subscription plan. |
Adding Items to the Configurable Subscription Plan with ITCR Component Records |
5 |
Price plan |
Create a creation record for each price plan that will be associated with a price book line. |
6 |
Price book |
Create a creation record for the price book. |
7 |
Link between the configurable subscription plan and the product |
Assign the configurable subscription plan to the product as the base item. |
Assigning the Configurable Subscription Plan to the Product as the Base Item |
— |
After working with the configurable subscription plan, create the configurable subscription. For more information, see Creating a Configurable Subscription.
Creating Answers for the Record IDs
Each new record requires its own answer to store the internal ID. Before working with configurable subscription plans, create the answers to store the internal IDs of the following records:
subscription plan
price plans
price book
Creating Member Items for the Configurable Subscription Plan
If you want to automatically create the member items for the configurable subscription plan, create an item creation record for each member item with NetSuite CPQ Configurator. For more information, see Creating Items Required by the Configuration.
Item creation records for member items must have a lower sequence number than the item creation record of the subscription plan.
Alternatively, you can use existing items in your account or create them manually. For more information, see Creating Items for Subscription Plans.
Working with a Subscription Plan on an Item Creation Record
If you want to automatically create a subscription plan, use an item creation record. For more information, see Creating Items Required by the Configuration.
To work with a subscription plan on an item creation record:
On a product record opened for editing, go to the Item Creation subtab.
Click New CPQC Item Creation.
In the Type field, select Subscription Plan.
Alternatively, select a subscription plan as a template item.
In the Write to QA field, select the answer where you want to store the internal ID.
Complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed.
Click Save.
Go to the Components subtab.
Create an ITCR component record for each member item of the subscription plan.
For more information, see Adding Items to the Configurable Subscription Plan with ITCR Component Records.
Adding Items to the Configurable Subscription Plan with ITCR Component Records
When creating a subscription plan with an item creation record, you must add at least one member item to the subscription plan. It can be a placeholder item. You can associate member items to the subscription plan with ITCR component records. Before adding items to the subscription plan, save the item creation record.
You can choose the item to be added to the subscription plan from NetSuite, from product materials, or from item creation records. After choosing the item, you can define or update the item details on the Select Columns subtab.
The item details are the same as those you would enter on the Lines subtab of the subscription plan. Examples of item details are the subscription type and the payment mode.
Based on the information you enter under the Select Columns subtab, NetSuite CPQ Configurator dynamically determines the required fields, the fields to be dimmed, and the fields to be filled in with default values.
To add items to a subscription plan:
On the Item Creation subtab, click Edit next to the item creation record you want to modify.
Go to the Components subtab.
If you want to add only items from NetSuite to the subscription plan, you can select them directly in the subtab. Then, you can enter a quantity, a sequence number, and click Add.
Repeat these steps for each member item and click Save.
Click New CPQC ITCR Component to add product materials or item creation records as member items of the subscription plan.
If you do not see this button, save the item creation record.
Enter a sequence number to determine the order of the member item within the subscription plan.
To specify the item to be added to the subscription plan, three options are available:
In the From Item field, select an item from NetSuite.
In the From CPQ Material field, select a material from the product.
In this field, you can choose a material linked to an item creation record.
In the From CPQ Created Item field, select an item creation record.
On the Select Columns subtab, set the fields in the same way as you would complete the columns on the Lines subtab of a standard subscription plan record.
To provide values for the fields, two options are available:
In the Select Value column, perform the task the field requires, such as selecting an option, entering a value, or checking a box.
This column shows the fields in the same way as they are displayed on the subscription plan record. For example, you can see a dropdown list, click the button, and select an option.
In the Value column, enter a resolve expression, such as {A/1}. For more information, see Obtaining Answer Data with Resolve Expressions.
When using resolve expressions, the field value cannot be predicted. To dynamically determine related fields, you must also set or select a placeholder value in the Emulated Value column. Otherwise, you may experience issues when setting other fields.
Note:When selecting placeholder values, take into account dependencies between fields.
Click Save.
Working with Price Plans on Creation Records
After creating a configurable subscription plan, use creation records to automatically create price plans. You will need to create a price plan for every price book line. Price book lines correspond to those on the subscription plan. Later, you will associate the price plans with the lines on the price book.
To work with a price plan on a creation record:
On a product record opened for editing, go to the Record Creation subtab.
Click New CPQC Record Creation.
In the Type field, select Price Plan.
Alternatively, select an existing price plan as a template record.
Assign a sequence number.
Note:Sequence numbers for price plans must be lower than the one for the price book.
In the Write to QA field, select the answer where you want to store the internal ID.
Check the Dynamic Mode box.
Price plans can only be created in dynamic mode. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Standard and Dynamic Modes.
Note:Dynamic mode may be incompatible with the fixed order used to organize fields and their values under the Fields subtab.
Complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed.
Under the Fields subtab, specify the currency and type. These are body fields.
Click Save.
Under the Sublists subtab, create the price tiers sublist (ID pricetiers) with an RCR sublist record. For more information, see Adding Record Sublists and Setting Field Values.
Under the Components subtab, create at least one sublist line with an RCR sublist component record. For more information, see Adding Record Sublists and Setting Field Values.
Working with a Price Book on a Creation Record
After working with price plans on creation records, use another creation record to automatically create a price book. The price book is limited to the number of lines specified on the subscription plan. Make sure you associate the price book with the corresponding subscription plan.
To work with a price book on a creation record:
On a product record opened for editing, go to the Record Creation subtab.
Click New CPQC Record Creation.
Complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed.
In the Type field, select Price Book.
Alternatively, select an existing price book as a template record.
Assign a sequence number greater than the ones associated with the price plans.
In the Write to QA field, select the answer where you want to store the internal ID.
Go to the Fields subtab.
In the Field Name column, select the Subscription Plan field.
To specify the subscription plan, two options are available:
If you use an existing subscription plan, select it in the Select Value column.
If you use a created subscription plan, specify the answer where you stored its internal ID. In the Value column, enter question and answer codes as a resolve expression {Q/A}.
Click Save.
Under the Sublists subtab, create a price interval sublist with an RCR sublist record. For more information, see Adding Record Sublists and Setting Field Values.
On the RCR sublist record, select Overwrite in the Line Add Method field.
Under the Components subtab, create sublist lines with RCR sublist component records. For more information, see Adding Record Sublists and Setting Field Values.
For each sublist line, select the Price Plan field under the Fields subtab.
To specify the price plan value, two options are available:
If you want to use an existing price plan, select it in the Select Value column.
If you want to use a created price plan, specify the answer where you stored its internal ID. In the Value column, enter question and answer codes as a resolve expression {Q/A}.
Assigning the Configurable Subscription Plan to the Product as the Base Item
After creating the configurable subscription plan, assign the associated item creation record to the product as the base item. Use this option if you want to add a single subscription plan to the transaction.
In NetSuite CPQ Configurator, go to the product record. In the Base Generic Product (Created) field, select the item creation record for the subscription plan. For more information about base items, see Assigning Base Items to Products.
If you need to add multiple subscription plans to the transaction, create an additional item for each subscription plan. On the additional item record, you can find the Item Creation field. Use this field to link the additional item to the item creation record of the subscription plan. For more information about additional items, see Including Additional Items Related to the Configurable Item.