Associating the Subscription with the Subscription Plan Line
As the last step in working with configurable subscriptions, you must ensure that the subscription will be associated with the subscription plan line on the transaction. To associate the subscription with the subscription plan line, you need to link the subscription with the base item (or the additional item) corresponding to the subscription plan. To link the two:
Create a line field mapping record (called component field mapping record).
Link the mapping record to the base item (or the additional item) related to the subscription plan.
On the transaction, the mapping record will set the Subscription line field for the subscription plan by adding the internal ID of the subscription.
To associate a subscription with the subscription plan line:
On a product record opened for editing, go to the Data Mapping subtab and then to the Component Field Mapping subtab.
Click New CPQC Component Mapping.
Complete all required fields and any additional fields as needed.
Go to the Fields subtab.
In the Field Name column, add the Subscription field.
In the Value column, specify the internal ID of the created subscription record. Enter the answer where you saved the value as a resolve expression {Q/A}.
Click Save.
Associate the mapping record with the base item (or the additional item) linked to the subscription plan.
Go to the product record for the base item (or the additional item record).
In the Apply Column Mappings field, select the mapping record you have created.
Click Save.
By completing this step, you have finished the setup for configurable subscriptions.