Philippines Tax Topics
NetSuite provides value added tax (VAT) and withholding tax tracking and reporting for businesses in the Philippines.
For VAT, you must install the International Tax Reports SuiteApp.
For withholding tax, you must install the Withholding Tax SuiteApp.
For Philippines RR09-2009 audit files, you must install the Tax Audit Files SuiteApp.
To use NetSuite to track and report VAT in the Philippines, read the following topics:
Creating or Customizing Roles to Use the International Tax Reports
Setting Tax Rounding Levels, Methods, and Precision Settings
VAT RELIEF Reports -quarterly Summary List of Sales (SLS) and quarterly Summary List of Purchases (SLP)
To use NetSuite to track and report withholding taxes in the Philippines, read the following topics:
To use NetSuite to export general ledger data from NetSuite for tax audit purposes, read the following topics:
For more information about tax features in NetSuite, refer to the list of related topics.
For more information about taxation in the Philippines, go to the Bureau of Internal Revenue web site.