Setting Up Withholding Tax -Philippines

To enable withholding tax features, you must install the Withholding Tax SuiteApp under Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.


You must be logged in with the Administrator role to install this bundle. If you have custom non-administrator roles in your account that should have access to the features in this bundle, you must manually add the necessary permissions to those custom roles. For information, see Creating or Customizing Roles to Use Withholding Tax Features.

Make sure your Philippines subsidiaries already exist in NetSuite. When the Withholding Tax SuiteApp detects a Philippines subsidiary, the expanded withholding tax codes for the Philippines are automatically created. For Withholding Tax SuiteApp setup and installation procedures, see Setting Up Withholding Tax.

Withholding Tax Preferences for the Philippines


In determining the timing for posting withholding tax in the Philippines, the general rule is that the obligation to deduct and withhold tax arises at the time an income payment is paid or is payable, or at the time the income payment is accrued or is recorded as an expense or asset, whichever comes first.

The following default settings are provided for the Philippines:

For more information, read the following topics:

Related Topics

General Notices