Creditable Withholding Tax Codes -Philippines
The following table shows the new and modified Alphanumeric Tax Codes (ATC) for income payments subject to creditable and final withholding taxes. These tax codes are effective from January 1, 2018, in accordance with Republic Act No. 10963, known as the Tax Report for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law.
The withholding tax types (WB, WE, WF, and WV) and their associated tax codes are automatically provided when the Withholding Tax SuiteApp is installed for the first time. For existing SuiteApp installations, deploy the script (WTax WB_WV_WF Tax Codes SS) to ensure the correct provisioning of WB, WF, and WV tax codes. For more information, see Methods of Deploying a Script.
Tax codes are essential for generating BIR forms 0619-F, 1601-EQ, and 2307. You can inactivate or delete tax codes that are not relevant to your business.
Tax Code (ATC) |
Description |
Rate |
Tax Type |
WB030 |
Tax on Carriers and Keepers of Garages |
3% |
WB040 |
Franchise Tax on Gas and Utilities |
2% |
WB050 |
Franchise tax on radio & TV broadcasting companies whose annual gross receipts do not exceed ₱10M & who are not-VAT registered taxpayer |
3% |
WB070 |
Tax on Life insurance premiums |
2% |
WB080 |
Persons exempt from VAT under Sec. 108BB (creditable) Government Withholding Agent |
3% |
WB082 |
Persons exempt from VAT under Sec. 108BB (creditable) Private Withholding Agent |
3% |
WB084 |
Persons exempt from VAT under Section 109BB (Section 116 applies) |
3% |
WB090 |
Tax on Overseas Dispatch, Message or Conversation from the Philippines |
10% |
WB102 |
Tax on Banks and Non-banks Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi Banking Functions. B. On dividends and equity shares and net income of subsidiaries |
0% |
WB103 |
Tax on Banks and Non-banks Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi Banking Functions. C. On royalties, rentals of property, real or personal, profits from exchange and all other items treated as gross income under the Code |
7% |
WB104 |
Tax on Banks and Non-banks Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi Banking Functions. D. On net trading gains within the taxable year on foreign currency, debt securities, derivatives, and other similar financial instruments |
7% |
WB108 |
Tax on Other Non-Banks Financial Intermediaries nor performing Quasi-Banking Functions. A. On interest, commissions, and discounts from lending activities as well as income from financial leasing on the basis of the remaining maturities of instruments from which such receipts are derived -Maturity period is five years or less |
5% |
WB109 |
Tax on Other Non-Banks Financial Intermediaries nor performing Quasi-Banking Functions. A. On interest, commissions, and discounts from lending activities as well as income from financial leasing on the basis of the remaining maturities of instruments from which such receipts are derived -Maturity period is more than five years |
1% |
WB110 |
Tax on Other Non-Banks Financial Intermediaries nor performing Quasi-Banking Functions. B. On all other items treated as gross income under the Code |
5% |
WB120 |
Business tax on Agents of Foreign Insurance companies -Insurance Agents |
4% |
WB121 |
Business tax on Agents of Foreign Insurance companies -owner of the property |
5% |
WB130 |
Tax on international carriers |
3% |
WB140 |
Tax on Cockpits |
18% |
WB150 |
Tax on amusement places, such as cabarets, night and day clubs, videoke bars, karaoke bars, karaoke television, karaoke boxes, music lounges and other similar establishments |
18% |
WB160 |
Taxes on Boxing exhibitions |
10% |
WB170 |
Taxes on professional basketball games |
15% |
WB180 |
Tax on jai-alai and racetracks |
30% |
WB200 |
Tax on sale barter or exchange of stocks listed and traded through Local Stock Exchange |
0.01% |
WB201 |
Tax on shares of stocks sold or exchanged through initial and secondary public offering -Not over 25% |
4% |
WB202 |
Tax on shares of stocks sold or exchanged through initial and secondary public offering -Over 25% but not exceeding 33 1/3% |
2% |
WB203 |
Tax on shares of stocks sold or exchanged through initial and secondary public offering -Over 33 1/3% |
1% |
WB301 |
Tax on Banks and Non-banks Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi Banking Functions. A. On interest, commissions, and discounts from lending activities as well as income from financial leasing on the basis of the remaining maturities of instruments from which receipts are derived -Maturity period is five years or less |
5% |
WB303 |
Tax on Banks and Non-banks Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi Banking Functions. A. On interest, commissions, and discounts from lending activities as well as income from financial leasing on the basis of the remaining maturities of instruments from which receipts are derived -Maturity period is more than five years |
1% |
WC010 |
Professional (lawyers, CPAs, engineers, etc.) if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC011 |
Professionals (lawyers, CPAs, engineers, etc.) if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC020 |
Professional entertainers such as, but not limited to actors and actresses, singers, lyricists, composers, emcees if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC021 |
Professional entertainers such as, but not limited to actors and actresses, singers, lyricists, composers, emcees if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC030 |
Professional athletes including basketball players, pelotaris, and jockeys if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC031 |
Professional athletes including basketball players, pelotaris, and jockeys if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC040 |
All directors and producers involved in movies, stage, radio, television, and musical productions if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC041 |
All directors and producers involved in movies, stage, radio, television, and musical productions if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC050 |
Management and technical consultants if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC051 |
Management and technical consultants if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC060 |
Business and bookkeeping agents and agencies if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC061 |
Business and bookkeeping agents and agencies if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC070 |
Insurance agents and insurance adjusters if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC080 |
Other recipients of talent fees if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC081 |
Other recipients of talent fees if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC100 |
Rentals: On gross rental or lease for the continued use or possession of personal property in excess of ten thousand pesos (P10,000) annually, and real property used in business which the payor or obligor has not taken title or is not taking title, or in which has no equity; poles, satellites, transmission facilities and billboards -Corporate |
5.00% |
WC110 |
Cinematographic film rentals and other payments to resident individuals and corporate cinematographic film owners, lessors, or distributors -Corporate |
5.00% |
WC120 |
Income payments to certain contractors -Corporate |
2.00% |
WC139 |
Gross commissions or service fees of customs, insurance, stock, immigration and commercial brokers, fees of agents of professional entertainers and real estate service practitioners (RESPs), (such as real estate consultants, real estate appraisers, and real estate brokers) if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC140 |
Gross commissions or service fees of customs, insurance, stock, immigration and commercial brokers, fees of agents of professional entertainers and real estate service practitioners (RESPs), (such as real estate consultants, real estate appraisers and real estate brokers) if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC150 |
Professional fees paid to medical practitioners (includes doctors of medicine, doctors of veterinary science, and dentists) by hospitals and clinics or paid directly by Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and/or similar establishments if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC151 |
Professional fees paid to medical practitioners (includes doctors of medicine, doctors of veterinary science and dentists) by hospitals and clinics or paid directly by Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and or similar establishments if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 |
10.00% |
WC158-CC |
Income payments made by credit card companies -Corporate |
0.50% |
WC157 |
Income payments made by the government and government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) to its local/resident suppliers of services other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax -Corporate |
2.00% |
WC158 |
Income payment made by top withholding agents to their local/resident supplier of goods other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax -Corporate |
1.00% |
WC160 |
Income payment made by top withholding agents to their local/resident supplier of services other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax -Corporate |
2.00% |
WC180 |
Interest on Foreign loans payable to Non-Resident Foreign Corporation (NRFCs) -Corporate |
20% |
WC190 |
Interest and other income payments on foreign currency transactions/loans payable of Offshore Banking Units (OBUs) -Corporate |
10% |
WC191 |
Interest and other income payments on foreign currency transactions/loans payable of Foreign Currency Deposits Units (FCDUs) -Corporate |
10% |
W1202 |
Cash dividend payment by domestic corporation to citizens and residents aliens/NRFCs – Individual |
10% |
WC212 |
Cash dividend payment by domestic corporation to citizens and resident aliens/NRFCs -Corporate |
25% |
WC213 |
Property dividend payment by domestic corporation to citizens and resident aliens/NRFCs -Corporate |
25% |
WC222 |
Cash dividend payment by domestic corporation to NFRCs whose countries allowed tax deemed paid credit (subject to tax sparing rule) -Corporate |
15% |
WC223 |
Property dividend payment by domestic corporation to NFRCs whose countries allowed tax deemed paid credit (subject to tax sparing rule) -Corporate |
15% |
WC230 |
On other payments to NRFCs -Corporate |
25% |
WC250 |
All kinds of royalty payments to citizens, resident aliens and NRAETB (other than WI380 and WI341), domestic and resident foreign corporations -Corporate |
20% |
WC280 |
Branch profit remittance by all corporations except PEZA/SBMA/CDA registered -Corporate |
15% |
WC290 |
On the gross rentals, lease and charter fees derived by non-resident owner or lessor of foreign vessels -Corporate |
4.50% |
WC300 |
On gross rentals, charter and other fees derived by non-resident lessor or aircraft, machineries, and equipment -Corporate |
7.50% |
WC310 |
On payments to oil exploration service contractors/sub-contractors -Corporate |
8% |
WC340 |
On payments to non-resident individual/foreign corporate cinematographic film owners, lessors, or distributors – Corporate |
25% |
WC410 |
Informers cash reward to individuals/juridical persons – Corporate |
10% |
WC515 |
Commissions, rebates, discounts, and other similar considerations paid/granted to independent and/or exclusive sales representatives and marketing agents and sub-agents of companies, including multi-level marketing companies if gross income for the current year did not exceed ₱ 3M -Corporate |
5.00% |
WC516 |
Commissions, rebates, discounts, and other similar considerations paid/granted to independent and/or exclusive sales representatives and marketing agents and sub-agents of companies, including multi-level marketing companies if gross income is more than ₱ 3M or VAT registered regardless of amount -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC535 |
Payments made by pre-need companies to funeral parlors -Corporate |
1.00% |
WC540 |
Tolling fees paid to refineries -Corporate |
5.00% |
WC610 |
Income payments made to suppliers of agricultural products in excess of cumulative amount of P300,000 within the same taxable year -Corporate |
1.00% |
WC630 |
Income payments on purchases of minerals, mineral products, and quarry resources, such as but not limited to silver, gold, marble, granite, gravel, sand, boulders, and other mineral products except purchases by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas -Corporate |
5.00% |
WC632 |
Income payments on purchases of minerals, mineral products, and quarry resources by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) from gold miners/suppliers under PD 1899, as amended by RA No. 7076 -Corporate |
1.00% |
WC640 |
Income payments made by the government and government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) to its local/resident suppliers of goods other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax -Corporate |
1.00% |
WC650 |
On gross amount of refund given by MERALCO to customers with active contracts as classified by MERALCO -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC651 |
On gross amount of refund given by MERALCO to customers with terminated contracts as classified by MERALCO -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC660 |
On gross amount of interest on the refund of meter deposit whether paid directly to the customers or applied against customer's billings of residential and general service customers whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 200 kwh as classified by MERALCO -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC661 |
On gross amount of interest on the refund of meter deposit whether paid directly to the customers or applied against customer's billings of non-residential customers whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 200 kwh as classified by MERALCO -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC662 |
On gross amount of interest on the refund of meter deposit whether paid directly to the customers or applied against customer's billings of residential and general service customers whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 200 kwh as classified by other electric Distribution Utilities (DU) -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC663 |
On gross amount of interest on the refund of meter deposit whether paid directly to the customers or applied against customer's billings of non-residential customers whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 200 kwh as classified by other electric Distribution Utilities (DU) -Corporate |
10.00% |
WC680 |
Income payments made by political parties and candidates of local and national elections on all their purchases of goods and services related to campaign expenditures, and income payments made by individuals or juridical persons for their purchases of goods and services intended to be given as campaign contributions to political parties and candidates -Corporate |
5.00% |
WC690 |
Income payments received by Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) -Corporate |
1.00% |
WC700 |
Cash on property dividend paid by a Real Estate Investment Trust -Corporate |
10% |
WC710 |
Interest income derived from any other debt instruments not within the coverage of deposit substitutes and Revenue Regulations No. 14-2012 -Corporate |
15.00% |
WC720 |
Income payments on locally produced raw sugar -Corporate |
1.00% |
WI010 |
Professional (lawyers, CPAs, engineers, etc.) if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI011 |
Professional (lawyers, CPAs, engineers, etc.) if gross income is more than P3M or VAT registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI020 |
Professional entertainers such as, but not limited to actors and actresses, singers, lyricists, composers, emcees if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI021 |
Professional entertainers such as, but not limited to actors and actresses, singers, lyricists, composers, emcees if gross income is more than P3M or VAT registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI030 |
Professional athletes including basketball players, pelotaris and jockeys if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI031 |
Professional athletes including basketball players, pelotaris and jockeys if gross income is more than P3M or VAT registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI040 |
All directors and producers involved in movies, stage, radio, television, and musical productions if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI041 |
All directors and producers involved in movies, stage, radio, television, and musical productions if gross income is more than P3M or VAT registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI050 |
Management and technical consultants if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI051 |
Management and technical consultants if gross income is more than P3M or VAT registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI060 |
Business and bookkeeping agents and agencies if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI061 |
Business and bookkeeping agents and agencies if gross income is more than P3M or VAT registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI070 |
Insurance agents and insurance adjusters if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI071 |
Insurance agents and insurance adjusters if gross income is more than P3M or VAT Registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI080 |
Other recipients of talent fees if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI081 |
Other recipients of talent fees if gross income is more than P3M or VAT Registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI090 |
Fees of directors who are not employees of the company if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI091 |
Fees of directors who are not employees of the company if gross income is more than P3M or VAT Registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI100 |
Rentals: On gross rental or lease for the continued use or possession of personal property in excess of ten thousand pesos (P10,000) annually and real property used in business which the payor or obligor has not taken title or is not taking title, or in which has no equity; poles, satellites, transmission facilities and billboards -Individual |
5.00% |
WI110 |
Cinematographic film rentals and other payments to resident individuals and corporate cinematographic film owners, lessors, and distributors -Individual |
5.00% |
WI120 |
Income payments to certain contractors -Individual |
2.00% |
WI130 |
Income distribution to the beneficiaries of estates and trusts -Individual |
15.00% |
WI139 |
Gross commissions or service fees of customs, insurance, stock, immigration and commercial brokers, fees of agents of professional entertainers and real estate service practitioners (RESPs), (such as real estate consultants, real estate appraisers, and real estate brokers) if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI140 |
Gross commissions or service fees of customs, insurance, stock, immigration and commercial brokers, fees of agents of professional entertainers and real estate service practitioners (RESPs), (such as real estate consultants, real estate appraisers, and real estate brokers) if gross income is more than P3M or VAT Registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI150 |
Professional fees paid to medical practitioners (includes doctors of medicine, doctors of veterinary science and dentists) by hospitals & clinics or paid directly by Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and/or similar establishments if gross income is more than P3M or VAT Registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI151 |
Professional fees paid to medical practitioners (includes doctors of medicine, doctors of veterinary science and dentists) by hospitals & clinics or paid directly by Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and/or similar establishments if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI152 |
Payment by the General Professional Partnerships (GPPs) to its partners if gross income for the current year did not exceed P720,000 -Individual |
10.00% |
WI153 |
Payment by the General Professional Partnerships (GPPs) to its partners if gross income exceeds P720,000 -Individual |
15.00% |
WI158 |
Income payments made by credit card companies -Individual |
0.50% |
WI157 |
Income payments made by the government and government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) to its local/resident suppliers of services other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax -Individual |
2.00% |
WI158 |
Income payment made by top withholding agents to their local/resident supplier of goods other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax -Individual |
1.00% |
WI159 |
Additional income payments to government personnel from importers, shipping and airline companies or their agents for overtime services -Individual |
15.00% |
WI160 |
Income payment made by top withholding agents to their local/resident supplier of services other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax -Individual |
2.00% |
WI203 |
Property dividend payment by domestic corporation to citizens and resident aliens/NRFCs -Individual |
10% |
WI224 |
Cash dividend payment by domestic corporation to non-resident alien engaged in Trade or Business within the Philippines (NRAETB) -Individual |
20% |
WI225 |
Property dividend payment by domestic corporation to NRAETB -Individual |
20% |
WI226 |
Share of NRAETB in the distributable net income after tax of a partnership (except GPPs) of which he is a partner, or share in the net income after tax of an association, joint account, or a joint venture taxable as a corporation of which he is a member or a co-venturer -Individual |
20% |
WI240 |
Distributive share of individual partners in a taxable partnership, association, joint account or joint venture or consortium -Individual |
10% |
WI250 |
All kinds of royalty payments to citizens, resident aliens and NRAETB (other than WI380 and WI341), domestic and resident foreign corporations -Individual |
20% |
WI260 |
On prizes exceeding ₱ 10,000.00 and other winnings paid to individuals -Individual |
20% |
WI310 |
On payments to oil exploration service contractors/sub-contractors -Individual |
8% |
WI330 |
Payments to non-resident alien not engaged in trade or business within the Philippines (NRANETB) except on sale of shares in domestic corporation and real property -Individual |
25% |
WI340 |
On payments to non-resident individual/foreign corporate cinematographic film owners, lessors, or distributors -Individual |
25% |
WI341 |
Royalties paid to NRAETB on cinematographic films and similar works -Individual |
25% |
WI350 |
Final tax on interest or other payments upon tax-free covenant bonds, mortgages, deeds of trust or other obligations under Sec. 57C of the NIRC of 1997, as amended -Individual |
30% |
WI380 |
Royalties paid to citizens, resident aliens and NRAETB on books, other literary works, and musical compositions -Individual |
10% |
WI410 |
Informers cash reward to individuals/juridical persons -Individual |
10% |
WI515 |
Commissions, rebates, discounts, and other similar considerations paid/granted to independent and/or exclusive sales representatives and marketing agents and sub-agents of companies, including multi-level marketing companies if gross income for the current year did not exceed P3M -Individual |
5.00% |
WI516 |
Commissions, rebates, discounts, and other similar considerations paid/granted to independent and/or exclusive sales representatives and marketing agents and sub-agents of companies, including multi-level marketing companies if gross income is more than P3M or VAT Registered regardless of amount -Individual |
10.00% |
WI530 |
Gross payments to embalmers by funeral parlors -Individual |
1.00% |
WI535 |
Payments made by pre-need companies to funeral parlors -Individual |
1.00% |
WI540 |
Tolling fees paid to refineries -Individual |
5.00% |
WI610 |
Income payments made to suppliers of agricultural products in excess of cumulative amount of P300,000 within the same taxable year -Individual |
1.00% |
WI630 |
Income payments on purchases of minerals, mineral products, and quarry resources, such as but not limited to silver, gold, marble, granite, gravel, sand, boulders, and other mineral products except purchases by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas -Individual |
5.00% |
WI632 |
Income payments on purchases of minerals, mineral products, and quarry resources by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) from gold miners/suppliers under PD 1899, as amended by RA No. 7076 -Individual |
1.00% |
WI640 |
Income Payment made by NGAs, LGU, and etc. to its local/resident suppliers of goods other than those covered by other rates of withholding tax -Individual |
1.00% |
WI650 |
On gross amount of refund given by MERALCO to customers with active contracts as classified by MERALCO -Individual |
15.00% |
WI651 |
On gross amount of refund given by MERALCO to customers with terminated contracts as classified by MERALCO -Individual |
15.00% |
WI660 |
On gross amount of interest on the refund of meter deposit whether paid directly to the customers or applied against customer's billings of residential and general service customers whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 200 kwh as classified by MERALCO -Individual |
10.00% |
WI661 |
On gross amount of interest on the refund of meter deposit whether paid directly to the customers or applied against customer's billings of non-residential customers whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 200 kwh as classified by MERALCO -Individual |
10.00% |
WI662 |
On gross amount of interest on the refund of meter deposit whether paid directly to the customers or applied against customer's billings of residential and general service customers whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 200 kwh as classified by other electric Distribution Utilities (DU) -Individual |
10.00% |
WI663 |
On gross amount of interest on the refund of meter deposit whether paid directly to the customers or applied against customer's billings of non-residential customers whose monthly electricity consumption exceeds 200 kwh as classified by other electric Distribution Utilities (DU) -Individual |
10.00% |
WI680 |
Income payments made by political parties and candidates of local and national elections on all their purchases of goods and services related to campaign expenditures, and income payments made by individuals or juridical persons for their purchases of goods and services intended to be given as campaign contributions to political parties and candidates -Individual |
5.00% |
WI700 |
Cash on property dividend paid by a Real Estate Investment Trust -Individual |
10% |
WI710 |
Interest income derived from any other debt instruments not within the coverage of deposit substitutes and Revenue Regulations No. 14-2012 -Individual |
15.00% |
WI720-2018 |
Income payments on locally produced raw sugar -Individual |
1.00% |
WV010 |
VAT withholding on Purchase of Goods |
5% |
WV012 |
VAT Withholding on Purchases of Goods (with waiver of privilege to claim tax credit) creditable |
12% |
WV014 |
VAT Withholding on Purchases of Goods (with waiver of privilege to claim input tax credit) final |
12% |
WV020 |
VAT Withholding on Purchase of Services |
5% |
WV022 |
VAT Withholding on Purchases of Services (with waiver of privilege to claim input tax credit) creditable |
12% |
WV024 |
VAT Withholding on Purchases of Services (with waiver of privilege to claim input tax credit) final |
12% |
WV040 |
VAT Withholding from non-residents (Government Withholding Agents) |
12% |
WV050 |
VAT Withholding from non-residents (Private Withholding Agents) |
12% |
WV060 |
Final Withholding VAT on Other Services rendered in the Philippines by non-residents (Government Withholding Agent) |
12% |
WV070 |
Final Withholding VAT on Other Services rendered in the Philippines by non-residents (Private Withholding Agent) |
12% |