The content in this help topic pertains to SuiteScript 2.1.
Method Description |
Takes the ID of an existing prompt and values for variables used in the prompt and returns the response from the LLM asynchronously. When unlimited usage mode is used, this method accepts the OCI configuration parameters. You can also specify OCI configuration parameters on the SuiteScript tab of the AI Preferences page. For more information, see Using Your Own OCI Configuration for SuiteScript Generative AI APIs.
The parameters and errors thrown for this method are the same as those for llm.evaluatePrompt(options). For more information about promises, see Promise Object. |
Returns |
Synchronous Version |
Supported Script Types |
Server scripts For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types. |
Governance |
100 |
Module |
Since |
2025.1 |
The following code sample shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a complete promise script example, see Promise Object.
// Add additional code
const response = llm.evaluatePrompt({
id: 'stdprompt_gen_purch_desc_invt_item',
variables: {
"form": {
"itemid": "My Item",
"stockdescription": "This is a custom item for my business.",
"vendorname": "Item Supplier Inc.",
"isdropshipitem": "false",
"isspecialorderitem": "true",
"displayname": "My Awesome Item"
"text": "This item increases productivity."
ociConfig: {
// Replace ociConfig values with your Oracle Cloud Account values
userId: 'ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaanld….exampleuserid',
tenancyId: 'ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaabt….exampletenancyid',
compartmentId: 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaph….examplecompartmentid',
// Replace fingerprint and privateKey with your NetSuite API secret ID values
fingerprint: 'custsecret_oci_fingerprint',
privateKey: 'custsecret_oci_private_key'
}).then(function(result) {
}).catch(function(reason) {
// Add additional code