NetSuite EPM Access Portlet

You can use the NetSuite EPM Access portlet to go to the following Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) environments directly from NetSuite:

The following screenshot shows the NetSuite EPM Access portlet with the View links to the Account Reconciliation, Planning and Budgeting, and Financial Consolidation and Close environments.

The NetSuite EPM Access portlet that lets you connect directly to your NetSuite EPM environment.

To access the portlet, go to NetSuite EPM > NetSuite EPM Overview. To go to your Enterprise Performance Management environment directly from this portlet, you need to define the login URL that NetSuite should connect to. For instructions, see the following help topics:

If you then click View in the portlet next to the environment you want to connect to, you are redirected to that environment.

If you cannot see the portlet at NetSuite EPM > NetSuite EPM Overview, you need to add the portlet manually to the NetSuite EPM page.

To add the NetSuite EPM Access portlet in NetSuite:

  1. Go to NetSuite EPM > NetSuite EPM Overview.

  2. Click the Personalize link in the upper-right corner of the page.

  3. On the Standard Content tab, click Custom Portlet.

  4. In the Custom Content portlet menu, click Set Up.

  5. From the Source list, select NSEPM | NetSuite EPM Access.

  6. Click Save.

    This adds the portlet to the NetSuite EPM page.

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