Cash 360 Subsidiary Consolidation

Cash 360 lets you see the cash forecast for a single subsidiary or for a consolidated subsidiary.

Single subsidiary and consolidated subsidiary reports are available on the Cash 360 dashboard and in the Forecast Details table. To change reports by subsidiary or to view reports for a consolidated subsidiary, go to the upper right corner of the page and select the subsidiary or consolidated subsidiary.

If you select Parent Company (Consolidation) or any designated parent company, the corresponding Internal ID must have a numerical value of 1. Cash 360 does not support consolidation for a parent company with an Internal ID other than 1.


Inactive subsidiaries are not included in the list of subsidiary options. However, all posting transaction amounts from inactive subsidiaries are included in the cash forecast when viewing reports for a consolidated subsidiary. For more information about consolidated reports in OneWorld accounts, see Consolidated Reporting in OneWorld.

Subsidiary Consolidation and Currencies

Transactions in subsidiaries follow the currency exchange rate set for the transaction currency, based on the effective date. When viewing consolidated reports, transaction amounts in child subsidiaries, which may be in another currency, are converted to the currency of the parent company or consolidated subsidiary using consolidated exchange rates.

Read the following topics to view related information about subsidiary consolidation and currencies:

Related Topics

General Notices