Setting Cash 360 Preferences

Set Cash 360 preferences to define what and how account categories and additional values are used in the cash forecast. The preferences you specify also determine the cash forecast display in the cash forecast table and in the Cash 360 dashboard.


Cash 360 preferences are shared across all custom roles that have access to the SuiteApp within the same subsidiary.

To set Cash 360 preferences:

  1. Go to Financial > Cash 360 > Dashboard.

  2. On the left pane, click Preferences.

  3. In the General Preferences section, specify forecast preferences:

    1. In the Forecast Period field, select a forecast period.

      This field lets you specify the period to include in the cash forecast. The default forecast period is 3 months.

      The forecast period is counted from the current day, week, or month.

    2. Check the Include Opening Balance box to display the opening balance, future-dated bank transactions, closing balance, and net balance in the cash forecast table.

  4. (Optional) In the Account Categories tab, specify what and how account categories are used in the cash forecast.


    You must first add account categories before you can specify them for inclusion and set preferences for them in this tab. For information, see Adding Cash 360 Account Categories.

    1. In the Category column, select an account category.

      Account categories are arranged per category type. Inflow and outflow account categories are grouped together. Inflow account categories appear first and the outflow account categories next.

    2. In the Use In Forecasting column, check the box for the account category if you want to include it in the cash forecast.

    3. In the Data To Use column, specify the time frame of the data you want to use in the cash forecast.

      You can use the historical average for the last 3 months or the last 6 months.


      The cash forecast does not include the current month but considers the last full 3 or 6 months before the current month. For example, if the current date is June 22, and you want to use data for the last 3 months, the cash forecast considers data from March, April, and May.

    4. In the % Movement column, specify the movement of cash flow in percent for the account category.

      The percentage of cash movement represents the increment or decrement of cash flow. A positive value indicates increment and a negative value indicates decrement. The value specified is evenly applied to the account category and is not cumulative. The movement of cash flow is calculated considering the average amount for each category and the value specified in the Data To Use column. In the cash forecast table, the percent movement is only applied to the succeeding periods and not to the current date, month, or week.

    5. Click Add.

  5. (Optional) In the Additional Values tab, add additional values to include in the cash forecast. This tab lets you add values that have no corresponding chart of account items.


    The additional values are shared across users within the same subsidiary.

    1. In the Name column, add a name for the additional value.

    2. In the Date column, enter or select a date from the calendar popup window.

    3. In the Amount column, enter an amount for the additional value.

    4. In the Type column, select the account type.

      Select from Inflow or Outflow.

      Inflow accounts are accounts with cash projected to flow into your company, such as dividend income. Outflow accounts are accounts with cash projected to flow out of your company, such as utility expenses.

    5. In the Recurrence column, enter a number to specify how often the additional value is used in the cash forecast.

      You can enter a number from 1 through 12.

    6. In the Recurrence Type column, select the frequency the additional value is used in the cash forecast.

      For example, if you entered 2 in the Recurrence column and selected Monthly in the Recurrence Type column, the additional value appears in two consecutive months starting from the date specified in the Date column and is included as such in the cash forecast.

    7. Click Add.

    8. Click Save.

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