Viewing SuiteApps in the SuiteApp Marketplace
You can view all SuiteApps in the SuiteApp Marketplace. To view SuiteApp listings, perform one of the following actions:
Go to SuiteApps.
Go to Customization > SuiteCloud Development > SuiteApp Marketplace.
The list of available SuiteApps appears.
The SuiteApps menu is not available for the following centers:
Advanced Partner Center
Customer Center
Employee Center
Partner Center
Support Center
Vendor Center
The following is an example of how SuiteApps can be listed in the SuiteApp Marketplace:

Each SuiteApp is represented by a SuiteApp tile that contains the following information:
SuiteApp Name – is the name of the SuiteApp, as provided by the publisher or solution provider.
You can search for a SuiteApp by entering its name or publisher name in the Search Apps field.
Publisher – is the publisher name that identifies the SuiteApp publisher or solution provider.
First Release Date – is the date of the first SuiteApp release to the SuiteApp Marketplace.
You can also sort the SuiteApp tiles by SuiteApp Name, Publisher, or First Release Date.
You can click a SuiteApp tile to view its details. The following is an example of the SuiteApp details page in the SuiteApp Marketplace:

The following information is available on the SuiteApp details page for each SuiteApp:
Action – are the following actions that can be performed for the SuiteApp:
Install – initiates the process to install the SuiteApp on your account. For more information, see Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace.
Upgrade – initiates the process to upgrade the SuiteApp version in your account. For more information, see Upgrading from the SuiteApp Marketplace.
Installation Status – is the current state of the SuiteApp installation or uninstallation. The installation status first appears on the SuiteApp details page after you click Install. For the list of possible states, see Viewing SuiteApp Installation or Uninstallation Status.
Additional Information – shows the following details for the SuiteApp:
Publisher – is the publisher name that identifies the SuiteApp publisher or solution provider.
First Release Date – is the date of the first SuiteApp release to the SuiteApp Marketplace.
Installed Version – is the version of the SuiteApp that is currently installed in your account.
Latest Version – is the latest version of the SuiteApp that is available for installation.
Upgrades – specifies the upgrade type of the SuiteApp, it can be one of the following:
Unmanaged – means that you can manually upgrade the SuiteApp in your account.
Managed – means that upgrades for the SuiteApp are managed by the publisher or solution provider at any time.
For SuiteApp bundles, less information in the Additional Information section is available on the SuiteApp details page than for SDF SuiteApps. You can find more information for a SuiteApp bundle on the Bundle Details page.
The SuiteApp thumbnail images that appear in the SuiteApp tiles and on the SuiteApp details page are synchronized from the Advanced Partner Center (APC) record.