Enabling E-Document Validation on Certification Service Operations in Brazil


To access the Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Certification Tax Authorities.

The Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp provides predefined e-document validation files in the XSD format.

The SuiteApp automatically associates the XSD validation files with the sending operation records of the following predefined tax authorities:

The XSD files validate the electronic invoices for goods (NF-e) and electronic invoices for services (NFS-e) you generate using the SuiteApp’s predefined e-document templates. This validation applies to production, test, and contingency certification environments.

When NetSuite finds issues during the validation, it displays them in the e-document audit trail. For more information, see Setting Up XSD Validation.

To enable e-document validation on a certification service operation:

  1. Go to Setup > E-Document Certification > Tax Authority Certification Service.

  2. Click View next to the tax authority certification service you want.

  3. Click the Operations subtab.

  4. Click the name of the sending operation record.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Check the Enable the XSD Validation box.

  7. Click Save.

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