Generating Electronic Invoices for Goods from Outras Operações Fiscais (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp considers the following types of transactions as outras operações fiscais (other fiscal operations):

To generate an NF-e from outras operações fiscais transactions:

  1. Go to BRHub > Transações > Outras Operações Fiscais > New.

  2. Under Informações Principais, in the Tipo NF-e field, select the type of the transaction.

  3. If you selected Remessa or Retorno as the transaction’s type, select the entity involved in the transaction in the corresponding field:

    • If the transaction has a customer, in the Cliente field, select the customer.

    • If the transaction has a vendor, in the Vendor field, select the vendor.

  4. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary.

  5. In the Data field, select the date of the transaction.

  6. If you selected Transferência or Movimento diário as the transaction’s type, in the Para Subsidiária field, select the subsidiary of destination of the transaction.

  7. (Optional) In the Memo field, enter relevant information about the transaction.

  8. In the Localização field, select the city where the subsidiary is located.

    If you use inventory items in the transaction, NetSuite uses the location to manage inventory transfers.

  9. (Optional) In the Centro de Custo field, select a cost center to categorize the operations described in the transaction.

  10. (Optional) In the Departamento field, select a department to categorize the operations described in the transaction.

  11. (Optional) To fill in information related to an electronic invoice previously issued for this subsidiary, check the Digitar Dados NF-e box to enable editing the electronic invoice fields.

    This box only applies to the Transferência, Movimento diário, and Retorno transactions.

  12. Under Informações Fiscais, in the Tipo Emitente field, select who is generating the e-document: the company itself or a third-party.

  13. In the Natureza da Operação field, select the transaction nature of the electronic invoice.

  14. In the Modelo field, select the electronic invoice template number.

    In outras operações fiscais transactions, the invoice template number does not have to be associated with an informação complementar da subsidiária record.

  15. In the Série field, select the electronic invoice for goods series in accordance with the Tipo Emitente field:

    • If you selected 0 - Próprio, in the Série field, select the electronic invoice series.

    • If you selected 1 - Terceiro, in the Série field, enter the electronic invoice series.

  16. If you checked the Digitar Dados NF-e box, in the Número field, enter the number of the e-document generated.

    If you did not check the Digitar Dados NF-e box, the Número field displays the generated e-document number.

  17. Under Contabilidade, in the Conta Débito field, select a debit account for this transaction.

    This field is automatically populated if you previously set an account in the Conta de Débito Remessa/Retorno field in the natureza da operação record.

  18. In the Conta Crédito field, select a credit account for this transaction.

    This field is automatically populated if you previously set an account in the Conta de Crédito Remessa/Retorno field in the natureza da operação record.

  19. If the transaction is associated with an existing electronic invoice, in the NF Referenciada field, select the original transaction.


    For situations in which goods are being returned, you can create a new transaction and generate electronic invoices with the following Códigos Fiscais de Operações e Prestações (CFOP) codes: 1.208, 1.209, 1.505, 1.506, 1.918, 1.919, 2.208, 2.209, 2.505, 2.506, 2.918, and 2.919.

  20. Click the Itens subtab.

  21. In the Item column, select the item you want to add to the transaction.

    The outras operações fiscais transaction supports the following item types:

    • Non-inventory items

    • Inventory items

    • Lot numbered item

    • Serialized item

  22. In the Quantidade column, enter the quantity for the item.

  23. In the Valor Unitário column, enter a price for single unit of the item.

  24. If you added an inventory item to the transaction, in the Conta de Ajuste do Estoque column, select the account used to manage inventory transfers.


    The conta de ajuste do estoque (inventory adjustment account) selected must be appropriate for inventory adjustments. Usually, it is an expense account.

  25. In the CFOP column, enter the Código Fiscal de Operações e de Prestações (CFOP) code related to the operation.

  26. If the item is part of a numbered lot, in the Número do Lote column, enter the lot number.

    • In inventory withdrawal operations, the system reduces the stock based on the number of the lot you entered.

    • In inventory replenishment operations, the system increases the stock. You can enter the number of an existing lot or the number for a new lot you want to create.

    • If you chose to create a new numbered lot, in the Data Validade Lote column, enter the lot’s expiration date.

  27. If the item is part of a serialized lot, click the Série itens subtab.

  28. In the Código de Série column, enter the item serial number.


    Each unit of the serialized lot item has a unique código de série (serial number). If you add more than one unit of the same item, to ensure the appropriate inventory management, enter the serial number of each unit. This setting is standard in NetSuite.

    • In serialized items withdraw operations, the system reduces the stock based on the number of the lot you entered.

    • In serialized items replenishment operations, the system increases the stock. The system uses the serial numbers you entered in the Código de Série column to automatically create records for each item, so the numbers must be unique.

  29. Click the Documento Eletrônico subtab.

  30. In the E-Document Template field, select the e-document template for outras operações fiscais.

    The template provided by the Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp is usually named NFe - Outras operações fiscais.

  31. Click the NF-e subtab.

  32. Under Retorno, you can verify the electronic invoice information returned by the state Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ) tax authority. If you checked the Digitar Dados NF-e box, the fields under this group are editable.

    1. In the Chave Acesso field, enter the electronic invoice access key.

    2. In the Protocolo de Autorização field, enter the electronic invoice certification protocol number.

    3. In the Data Envio field, enter the electronic invoice sending date.

    4. In the Status de Retorno field, select the electronic invoice return status.

    5. In the Mensagem de Retorno field, enter the electronic invoice return message details, in cases of both success and error or cancellation of the e-document.

  33. (Optional) Under Transporte, you can enter information about items’ shipping.

    1. In the Transportadora field, select the shipping company.

    2. In the Frete por Conta field, select the type of shipping used.

      By default, the 9 – Sem ocorrência de transporte (No shipping) option is populated.

    3. In the Código ANTT field, enter the shipping company’s Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT) code.

    4. In the Placa do Veículo field, enter the license plate number of the vehicle assigned to ship the items.

    5. In the UF Placa field, select the federative unit of the vehicle’s license plate.

    6. If you need a second vehicle to ship the items, in the Placa do Veículo 2 field, enter the license plate number of the second vehicle.

    7. In the UF Placa 2 field, select the federative unit of the second vehicle’s license plate.

    8. If you need a third vehicle to ship the items, in the Placa do Veículo 3 field, enter the license plate number of the third vehicle.

    9. In the UF Placa 3 field, select the federative unit of the third vehicle’s license plate.

    10. In the Quantidade field, enter the amount of items shipped.

    11. In the Espécie field, enter the type of unit measure, such as boxes or units.

    12. In the Marca field, enter the brand of the items.

    13. In the Numeração field, enter the serial number of the shipment.

    14. In the Peso Bruto field, enter the gross weight of the shipment.

    15. In the Peso Líquido field, enter the net weight of the shipment.

  34. Under Valores, enter information about expenses related to the transaction.

    1. In the Valor do Seguro field, enter the amount covered by the goods’s insurance.

      If you want to post the value in the transaction’s GL impact, you need to set an account in the Conta Seguro Remessa/Retorno field in the natureza da operação record.

    2. In the Outras Despesas field, enter the amount of other expenses related to the goods.

      If you want to post the value in the transaction’s GL impact, you need to set an account in the Conta Outras Despesas/Retorno field in the natureza da operação record.

    3. In the Valor do Frete field, enter the amount of shipping costs.

      If you want to post the value in the transaction’s GL impact, you need to set an account in the Conta Frete Remessa/Retorno field in the natureza da operação record.

    4. (Optional) In the Informações Adicionais field, enter information relevant to the SEFAZ.

    5. If you are selling fuel, in the Base de Cálculo ICMS Comb. field, enter the base value for the calculation of Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) tax.

    6. If you are selling fuel, in the Valor ICMS Comb. field, enter the amount of ICMS tax due.

  35. If you are registering the return of goods, under NF-e Referenciada, fill in the information related to the electronic invoice referenced on the transaction.

    1. In the Número da Nota Fiscal Referenciada field, enter the number of the electronic invoice you want to reference.

    2. In the Série da Nota Fiscal Referenciada field, enter the series of the electronic invoice you want to reference.

    3. In the Chave da Nota Fiscal Referenciada field, enter the access key of the electronic invoice you want to reference.


      Press Tab after entering the access key to automatically fill the remaining fields in this group.

    4. In the Modelo da Nota Fiscal Referenciada field, enter the template number of the electronic invoice you want to reference.

    5. In the Ano/Mês de Emissão da Nota Fiscal Referenciada field, enter the year and month in which the electronic invoice you want to reference was issued.

  36. Click Save.

    The system saves the transaction and the Generate E-Document button appears at the top.

  37. Click Generate E-Document.

    If the e-document is successfully generated, the Send E-Document button appears at the top.

  38. Click Send E-Document.

    If the e-document is successfully sent, a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

  39. To view the electronic invoice generated, click the NF-e subtab.

  40. Under Links, click Visualizar NF-e.

    This shows a mirror image of the electronic invoice.

  41. (Optional) To download the NF-e XML file to your computer, click Visualizar XML NF-e.

  42. (Optional) To view the accounting entries resulting from the operation, under Informações Principais, click Visualizar Impacto no Razão.

    The accounts displayed in the GL impact depend on the type of transaction performed and the transaction itself.

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