Electronic Invoicing for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
In Brazil, you must document every operation involving goods or services with e-documents. The Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp provides features to issue different types of e-documents, enabling you to comply with Brazilian requirements.
To leverage the Brazilian Hub invoicing features, you must first install the following SuiteApps in your account:
Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp
LATAM E-Document Certification SuiteApp
Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp
The aforementioned SuiteApps provide the framework for generating and certifying e-documents. For more information, see Brazilian Hub SuiteApp Prerequisites.
With Brazilian Hub, you can generate and certify e-documents from the following records:
NetSuite records
Return authorization
Vendor bill
Vendor return authorization
Brazilian Hub SuiteApp custom records
Cancelamento Nota Fiscal
Manifestação do Destinatário
Outras Operações Fiscais
If you have the Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp installed in your account, you can also generate and certify e-documents from the EFD-Reinf custom record. For more information, see EFD-Reinf Report (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp).
Brazilian Hub currently supports the following types of electronic invoices:
Nota fiscal de produto eletrônica(electronic invoice for goods) or NF-e – e-document sent to the federal government to register the movement of goods.
Note:Brazilian Hub supports version 4.0 of the NF-e template.
Nota fiscal de serviços eletrônica (electronic invoice for services) or NFS-e – e-document sent to municipal governments to register provided services.
Manifestação do destinatário (receiver acknowledgment) – group of events related to the NF-e that enables the receiver to acknowledge their participation in the commercial transaction outlined on the electronic invoice.
Guia nacional de recolhimento de tributos estaduais (GNRE tax collection form) -e-document used in interstate sales transactions subject to tax substitution and other taxes due to the state, and collected in another federative unit.
For more information about electronic invoicing for Brazil, read the following topics:
Setting Up Electronic Invoicing for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Generating Electronic Invoices for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Canceling Electronic Invoices for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Correcting Electronic Invoices for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Voiding Electronic Invoice Numbers for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Related Topics
- Brazilian Hub
- Brazilian Hub SuiteApp Installation
- Brazilian Hub Setup
- Taxes in Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Receiving for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Payments for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Discounts for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Debit Notes for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Brazilian Hub SuiteApp Known Limitations and Best Practices