Generating Electronic Invoices for Services in Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

To register your company’s provision of services, you must issue electronic invoices for services, known in Brazil as notas fiscais de serviço eletrônicas (NFS-e). The Brazilian Hub SuiteApp enables the generation of this type of e-document in different scenarios.

To create an invoice with NFS-e generation:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices.

  2. Under Primary Information, in the Customer field, select the transaction’s customer.

  3. In the Status field, select the transaction’s status.

    You can only generate electronic invoices on invoice transactions with the Approved status.

  4. Under Classification, the Subsidiary field automatically displays the customer’s primary subsidiary. If the transaction relates to a different subsidiary, select the appropriate subsidiary.

  5. In the Location field, select the city where the subsidiary is located.

  6. Under Informações Fiscais, in the Tipo Documento field, select the type of e-document you want to generate for this invoice.

    To generate an electronic invoice for services, select NFS-e.

  7. In the Tipo Emitente field, select 0 – Próprio.

  8. To add items to the invoice, click the Items subtab.

    1. In the Item column, select the service item you want to add to the transaction.

    2. In the Quantity column, enter the quantity of contracted services.

    3. In the Unit Price column, enter the price of the service.

    4. Click Add.

      You can add more items to the transaction by repeating the preceding steps.

  9. Click the E-Document subtab.

  10. In the E-Document Template field, select the electronic invoice for services certification template.

  11. In the E-Document Sending Method field, select the method by which to send the e-document to the tax authority.

    The sending method provided by BRHub is usually named BRHub - Envio - Serviço.


    You can monitor the generation and sending statuses or processing errors on the E-Document Audit Trail subtab.

  12. Click the Parcelas subtab.

  13. In the Condição de Pagamento field, select the invoice’s term of payment.

    This field only lists the terms of payment associated with the transaction’s subsidiary.

  14. (Optional) In the Banco Previsão field, select the bank account to which to post the payment of the invoice.

    You can change this account in the payment transaction.

  15. Click the NFS-e subtab.

    The information you need to fill in on the NFS-e subtab varies according to the regulations of the city where you provided the service.

    1. Under NFS-e, in the Série field, select the electronic invoice for services series.

    2. In the Natureza da Operação field, select the type of collection of the tax on services (ISS).

    3. If you are generating the NFS-e for the cities of Belém (PA), Campinas (SP), Campo Grande (MS), São Luís (MA), or Teresina (PI), under Tributação, do the following:

      1. In the Tributação field, select the type of taxation according to the service provided.

      2. In the Operação field, select the type of tax operation according to the service provided.

      3. If you did not withhold the ISS tax in a city where it is required, in the Motivos da Não Retenção field, select the reason.

    4. If you are generating the NFS-e for the cities of Blumenau (SC) or São Paulo (SP), under Tributação, in the Tipo de Tributação field, select the type of taxation according to the service provided.

    5. If you are generating the NFS-e for the cities of Marília (SP), Petrópolis (RJ) or Rio Grande (RS), under Tributação, in the Situação field, select the electronic invoice status.

    6. If you are generating the NFS-e for the city of Florianópolis (SC), under Tributação, do the following:

      1. In the CFPS field, enter the service’s Código Fiscal de Prestação de Serviços (CFPS) code.

      2. In the CST ISS Florianópolis field, enter the service’s Código de Situação Tributária (CST) code.

    7. Under Impostos, fill in the tax withholding information.

      1. In the ISS Retido field, select if the ISS tax was withheld on the transaction.

      2. In the Valor Líquido field, review the transaction amount without withheld taxes.

      3. (Optional) In the Valor Total Recebido field, enter the total amount of income obtained from the services provided, including refunds.

        This field only applies to the city of São Paulo (SP).

    8. If you are substituting a previously generated electronic invoice by this transaction, under NFS-e Substituída, enter the information about the original electronic invoice.

      You can substitute an electronic invoice when errors in the filing impact the calculation or withholding of taxes, for example. The municipal government sets the deadline for NFS-e substitution.

      1. In the Série do RPS Substituído field, enter the series associated with the electronic invoice you are substituting.

      2. In the Número NFS-e Substituída, enter the number of the electronic invoice for services you are substituting.

      3. In the Data Emissão NFS-e Substituída, enter the certification date of the electronic invoice you are substituting.

      4. In the Número RPS Substituído, enter the transitory receipt for services (RPS) number associated with the electronic invoice you are substituting.

  16. Click Save.

    The system saves the transaction and the Generate E-Document button appears at the top.

  17. Click Generate E-Document.

    If the e-document is successfully generated, the Send E-Document button appears at the top.

  18. Click Send E-Document.

    If the e-document is successfully sent, a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

  19. (Optional) To view the electronic invoice generated, click the NFS-e subtab.

    1. Under NFS-e, review the electronic invoice information.

      1. In the Número NFS-e field, review the number of the electronic invoice for services.


        If you certified the electronic invoice in the test environment of São Paulo (SP) or Campinas (SP), the field displays 000. These tax authorities do not convert the RPS number into the NFS-e number.

      2. In the Número RPS field, review the transitory receipt for services (RPS) number associated with the electronic invoice.

      3. In the Série field, review the series associated with the electronic invoice.

      4. In the Código de Verificação field, review the verification code associated with the electronic invoice.

      5. In the Mensagem Retorno field, review the electronic invoice return message details.

      6. In the Data Emissão field, review the certification date of the electronic invoice.

      7. In the Status field, review the return status, according to the electronic invoice sending status.

    2. To view a mirror image of the electronic invoice, under Links, click Visualizar NF-e.

      To view the original NFS-e file, you must access the website of the municipal goverment that certified the electronic invoice.

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