Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A
This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the Country Tax Report page to generate the Germany VAT report. If you are using the Tax Reports (International) page, see What goes into each box – Germany Monthly/Quarterly VAT report.
With Tax Reporting Framework, you can generate and export the Germany VAT USt 1A report. To generate a report, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports.
The Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A report supports Multi-Book Accounting. For more information, see Multi-Book Accounting Overview.
You can also export this report in PDF, XLS and XML (ELSTER and Küppers) formats. For more information, see Exporting a Country Tax Report.
The Germany Localization SuiteApp provides the tax report template and tax report localization for Germany. You must install this SuiteApp to have Germany tax reports available on the Country Tax Report page. For more information about the required SuiteApps for each country tax reports, see Tax Reporting Framework Localization Requirements.
The following tables describe the reported values on the Germany VAT report. It also shows the Search Type, Transaction Types, Tax Codes, Tax Transaction Types, and Tax Item Types filters that Tax Reporting Framework uses to get the values for each of the boxes on the report. These filters are automatically set up but can be modified. If you want to customize the report and configure the filters, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.
Taxable Transactions subject to VAT
Supplies of goods and services incl. goods and services free of charge
Box |
Report Label |
Search Type |
T |
Tax C |
Tax Transaction Types |
Tax Item Types |
Tax R |
A |
81 |
Sales at 19% VAT rate |
All |
All except DE-Alcohol |
Net a |
19 % |
81b |
Tax a |
86 |
Sales at 7% VAT rate |
All |
DE_ |
All |
Net a |
7 % |
86b |
Tax a |
87 |
Sales at 0% VAT rate |
All |
Domestic Sales |
DE-Solar |
Net a |
0% |
35 |
Sales which are subject to other VAT rates |
Custom |
Net a |
36 |
Tax a |
77 |
Transactions for agricultural or forestry business to customers with a VAT Id number |
Data of the selected account |
Net a |
76 |
Transactions on which tax has to be paid under § 24 VAT Code (Sawmill products, beverages and alcoholic liquids, for example wine) |
All |
DE-Alcohol |
Net a |
80 |
Tax a |
The value reported on box 77 is from the data of the selected account upon Germany tax return setup. To select an account and customize boxes 35, 36, 76, and 80, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.
Zero-rated transactions with input VAT deduction
Zero-rated transactions with input VAT deduction, intra-community deliveries (§ 4 no. 1 letter b UStG).
Box |
Report Label |
Search Type |
T |
Tax Codes |
Tax Transaction Types |
Tax Item Types |
Tax Reporting Category |
A |
41 |
Intra-Community supplies to customers with a VAT ID number |
All |
All except the following:
Net a |
44 |
Intra-Community supplies of new motor vehicles to customers without VAT Id number |
All |
DE-Vehicles no VAT ID |
Net a |
49 |
Intra-Community supplies of new motor vehicles outside the scope of business (§ 2a UStG) |
All |
DE-Vehicles non scope |
Net a |
43 |
Further tax-free sales with input tax deduction (for example export deliveries, sales according to § 4 no. 2 to 7 UStG) |
All |
All |
Net a |
All excluding DE-Solar |
48 |
Exempt transactions without deduction (for example sales according to § 4 no. 8 to 29 UStG) |
All |
All |
Net a |
You must create a new zero rate tax code for boxes 44 and 49 and select it upon Germany VAT report setup. To create a tax code, see Creating Tax Codes in SuiteTax. To select the custom tax code for the boxes, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.
Intra Community Purchases
Box |
Report Label |
Search Type |
T |
Tax Codes |
Tax T |
Tax Item Types |
Tax Reporting Category |
Amount |
91 |
Tax-free intra-community acquisitions of certain objects and investment gold (§§ 4b and 25c UStG) |
All |
Intra-C |
All exluding DE-Solar |
Net amount |
89 |
Taxable intra-community acquisitions at a tax rate of 19% |
All |
DE_ |
Intra-C |
All |
Net amount |
89b |
Notional amount |
93 |
Taxable intra-community acquisition at a tax rate of 7% |
All |
DE_ |
Intra-C |
All |
Net amount |
93b |
Notional amount |
90 |
Taxable intra-community acquisition at a tax rate of 0% |
All |
Intra-C |
DE-Solar |
Net amount |
95 |
Intra-Community aquisitions, which are subject to other VAT rates |
Custom |
Net amount |
98 |
Notional amount |
94 |
New vehicles (§ 1b para. 2 and 3 UStG) from suppliers without VAT ID no. at general tax rate |
Custom |
Net amount |
96 |
Tax amount |
You must create a new standard rate tax code for boxes 94 and 96 and select it upon Germany VAT report setup. To create a tax code, see Creating Tax Codes in SuiteTax. To select the custom tax code for the boxes, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.
Reverse-Charge transactions for which the customer accounts for the VAT
Box |
Report Label |
Search Type |
T |
Tax C |
Tax Transaction Types |
Tax Item Types |
Tax R |
A |
46 |
Other services according to § 3a para. 2 UStG of an entrepreneur based in the rest of the community area (§ 13b para. 1 UStG) |
All |
DE_ |
Intra-Community Purchases |
Services |
All e |
Net amount |
47 |
N |
73 |
Sales that fall under the GrEStG (§ 13b para. 2 no. 3 UStG) |
All |
DE_ |
DE-Property tax |
Net amount |
74 |
Tax amount |
84 |
Other Services (§ 13b para. 2 no. 1, 2, 4 to 12 UStG) |
All |
DE_ |
All e |
Net amount |
N |
85 |
To customize boxes 73, 74, 78, 79, 84, and 85, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.
Additional information concerning transactions
Box |
Report Label |
Search Type |
T |
Tax Codes |
Tax T |
Tax Item Types |
Tax R |
A |
42 |
Supplies of the first customer in case of intra-community triangulations (§ 25b UStG) |
All |
Intra-C |
DE-T |
Net a |
60 |
Taxable sales, where recipient is liable for tax payment according to § 13b para. 5 UStG |
All |
Domestic Sales |
All |
Net a |
21 |
Non-taxable supply of services according to § 18b sentence 1 no. 2 UStG |
All |
Intra-C |
Services |
All |
Net a |
45 |
Other Non-taxable sales (place of supply outside Germany) |
All |
Exports |
Services |
All |
Net a |
All |
OSS Distance Sale |
VAT on Sales |
Box 81b +Box 86b +Box 36 +Box 80 +Box 89b +Box 93b +Box 98 +Box 96 +Box 47 +Box 74 +Box 85 |
To customize box 42, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.
Deductible VAT on Purchases
Box |
Report Label |
Search Type |
T |
Tax Codes |
Tax T |
Tax Item Types |
Tax Reporting Category |
Amount |
66 |
Input tax on invoices from other businesses (§ 15 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 1 UStG), from services within the meaning of § 13a para. 1 no. 6 UStG (§ 15 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 5 UStG) and from intra-community triangular transactions (§ 25b para. 5 UStG) |
All |
All |
Box 81b +Box 86b +Box 36 +Box 80 +Box 89b +Box 93b +Box 98 +Box 96 +Box 47 +Box 74 +Box 87 |
61 |
Input VAT amounts from the intra-community acquisition of goods (§ 15 para. 1 sentence 1 no 3. UStG) |
All |
Intra-C |
All |
Box 89B +Box 93B +Box 98 |
62 |
Taxes paid on imports (§ 15 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 2 UStG) |
All |
All excluding DE-P |
Net amount |
67 |
Input tax amount for supplies subject to reverse charge procedure according to § 13b UStG (§ 15 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 4 UStG) |
All |
All excluding the following
Notional Amount |
63 |
Input tax calculated according to the general average rate (§§ 23 and 23a UStG) |
(Custom) |
59 |
Input VAT deduction for intra-community supplies of new motor vehicles outside the scope of business (§ 2a UStG) or from small businesses according to § 19 para. 1 UStG (§ 15 para. 4a UStG) |
All |
DE-Vehicles non scope |
Tax amount |
64 |
Correction of input tax deduction (§ 15a UStG) |
(Custom) |
Remaining Amount |
Line 36 – Box 66 – Box 61 – Box 62 – Box 67 – Box 63 – Box 59 – Box 64 |
To enter amounts on boxes 63, 64, and 59, see Making Adjustments on a Country Tax Report.
Other VAT
Box |
Report Label |
Search Type |
T |
Tax Codes |
Tax Transaction Types |
Tax Item Types |
Tax R |
A |
65 |
VAT resulting from any form of taxation changes, additional tax on taxed down payments and tax rate changes |
(Custom) |
Tax a |
69 |
Correction of wrong tax amounts in invoices (§ 14c UStG) or tax amount owed according to § 6a para. 4 sentence 2, § 17 para. 1 sentence 7, § 25b para. 2 UStG or owed by an outsourcing company or warehouse keeper in accordance with § 13a (1) No. 6 UStG |
All |
DE-T |
Tax a |
VAT on advance payment/surplus |
Line 44 +Box 65 +Box 69 |
39 |
Deduction of fixed special prepayment |
All |
DE-P |
Tax a |
83 |
Remaining VAT advance payment |
Line 47 – box 39 |
50 |
Reduction of the tax base (included in boxes 81, 86, 87, 35, 77, 76) |
All |
DE-A |
Net a |
37 |
Reduction of the deductible input tax amounts (contained in box 66 from invoices from other entrepreneurs (§ 15 Para. 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 UtG) as well as in boxes 59 and 64) |
All |
DE-A |
Tax a |
To enter amounts on boxes 69, 39, and VAT on advance payment/surplus, see Making Adjustments on a Country Tax Report.
When the report has been generated, you can export it in PDF, XLS, and XML (ELSTER or Küppers) formats for manual submission to German tax authorities. For more information, see Exporting a Country Tax Report.
To switch between the two available XML formats, use the Language dropdown menu next to the export buttons.
- Viewing a Generated Country Tax Report
- Making Adjustments on a Country Tax Report
- Exporting a Country Tax Report
- Electronic Tax Filing in Tax Reporting Framework
- Customizing Localized Tax Returns
- Setting Up Country Tax Reporting Preferences
- Installing Tax Reporting Framework
- Tax Reporting Framework Error Codes
- Known Limitations of Tax Reporting Framework