Roles and Permissions in Tax Reporting Framework

Tax Reporting Framework provides access and permissions to roles in NetSuite. Read the following topics to learn more about the permissions and permission levels granted by the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp.

Tax Reporting Framework Permissions

Tax Reporting Framework provides the following permissions and permission levels:



Permission Levels

Country Tax Report

This permission enables the user to generate, view, and export tax reports.

  • Full – User can generate, view, and export tax reports.

  • None – No access.

Tax Return Setup

This permission enables the user to view and edit the configuration on the tax return.

  • Full – User can view and edit the tax return settings.

  • View – User can only view the tax return settings.

  • None – No access.

Tax Filing

This permission enables the user to submit the UK VAT100 Return to HMRC.

  • Full – User can access the Submit to HMRC button and file the return to HMRC.

  • None – User has no access to the Submit to HMRC button.

Country Tax Reports Preferences

This permission enables the user to modify the start date, reporting frequency, and period filters of country tax reports.

  • Full – User can view and edit the reporting preferences.

  • View – User can only view the reporting preferences.

  • None – User has no access to the Country Tax Reports Preferences page.

Standard Roles and Tax Reporting Framework Permissions

Tax Reporting Framework grants permissions and defines the permission levels to the following standard roles by default:


Country Tax Report

Tax Return Setup

Tax Filing

Country Tax Reports Preferences
















Assigning Tax Reporting Framework Permissions to a Role

You can add Tax Reporting Framework permissions to standard and custom roles. Only the Tax Reporting Framework (TRF) permissions of the administrator role are fixed and cannot be edited.

To assign Tax Reporting Framework permissions to a standard or custom role:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Setup > Tax Reporting > Manage Tax Reporting Framework Roles.

  2. On the Tax Reporting Framework Roles page, click Assign Tax Reporting Framework Permissions to Role.

  3. On the Role list, select the role that you want to customize.

  4. On the Level list, select the permission level that you want to assign to the following Tax Reporting Framework Permissions:

    • Country Tax Report

    • Tax Return Setup

    • Tax Filing

    • Country Tax Reports Preferences

  5. Click Save.

For more information about customizing roles, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

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