Philippines VAT Report: Quarterly Return Form 2500Q
This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the Country Tax Report page to generate the Philippines quarterly VAT report. If you are using the Tax Reports (International) page, see What goes into each box -Philippines VAT report.
With Tax Reporting Framework , you can generate the Philippines quarterly VAT2500Q report. To generate a report, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports.
The SuiteTax Country Tax Reports APAC SuiteApp provides the tax report template and tax report localization for Philippines. You must install this SuiteApp to have Philippines tax reports available on the Country Tax Report page. For more information about the required SuiteApps for each country tax reports, see Tax Reporting Framework Localization Requirements.
The following tables describe the reported values on the Philippines quarterly VAT report. It also shows the Search Type, Transaction Types, Tax Codes, Tax Transaction Types, Tax Item Types, and Tax Reporting Category filters that Tax Reporting Framework uses to get the values for each of the boxes on the report. These filters are automatically set up but can be modified. If you want to customize the report and configure the filters, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.
Line |
Report Label |
Box |
A |
S |
Transaction Types |
Tax Codes |
Tax Transaction Types |
Tax Item Types |
Tax R |
15 |
Vatable Sales/Receipt -Private |
15A 15B |
Net a Tax a |
Sales |
Domestic Sales |
– |
16 |
Sales to Government |
16A 16B |
Net a Tax a |
( |
17 |
Zero Rated Sales/Receipts |
17 |
Net a |
Sales |
– |
18 |
Exempt Sales/Receipts |
18 |
Net a |
Sales |
– |
19 |
Total Sales/Receipts and Output Tax Due |
19A 19B |
Net a Tax a |
( |
20 |
Less: Allowable Input Tax |
20A |
Input Tax Carried Over from Previous Period |
20A |
Tax a |
( |
20B |
Input Tax Deferred on Capital Goods Exceeding P1Million from Previous Period |
20B |
Tax a |
( |
20C |
Transitional Input Tax |
20C |
Tax a |
( |
20D |
Presumptive Input Tax |
20D |
Tax a |
( |
20E |
Others |
20E |
Tax a |
( |
20F |
Total (Sum of Item 20A, 20B, 20C, 20D & 20E) |
20F |
Tax a |
( |
21 |
Current Transactions |
21A/ |
Purchase of Capital Goods not exceeding P1Million |
21A 21B |
Net a Tax a |
P |
Goods |
Capital Goods |
21C/ |
Purchase of Capital Goods exceeding P1Million |
21C 21D |
Net a Tax a |
P |
Goods |
Capital Goods |
21E/F |
Domestic Purchases of Goods Other than Capital Goods |
21E 21F |
Net a Tax a |
P |
Domestic Purchases |
Goods |
-None - |
E |
Domestic Purchases |
– |
– |
21G/ |
Importation of Goods Other than Capital Goods |
21G 21H |
Net a Tax a |
P |
Imports |
Goods |
-None - |
E |
Imports |
– |
– |
21I/J |
Domestic Purchase of Services |
21I 21J |
Net a Tax a |
P |
Domestic Purchases |
Services |
– |
E |
Domestic Purchases |
– |
– |
21K/L |
Services rendered by Non-residents |
21K 21L |
Net a Tax a |
P |
Imports |
Services |
– |
E |
Imports |
– |
– |
21M |
Purchases Not Qualified for Input Tax |
21M |
Net a |
P |
– |
E |
– |
– |
21N/ |
Others |
21N 21O |
Net a Tax a |
( |
21P |
Total Current Purchases (Sum of Item 21A, 21C, 21E, 21G, 21I, 21K, 21M & 21N) |
21P |
( |
22 |
Total Available Input Tax (Sum of Item 20F, 21B, 21D, 21F, 21H, 21J, 21L & 21O) |
22 |
( |
23 |
Less: Deductions from Input Tax |
23A |
Input Tax on Purchases of Capital Goods exceeding P1Million deferred for the succeeding period |
23A |
( |
23B |
Input Tax on Sale to Government closed to expense |
23B |
( |
23C |
Input Tax allocable to Exempt Sales |
23C |
( |
23D |
VAT Refund/TCC claimed |
23D |
( |
23E |
Others |
23E |
( |
23F |
Total (Sum of Item 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D & 23E) |
23F |
( |
24 |
Total Allowable Input Tax (Item 22 less Item 23F) |
( |
25 |
Net VAT Payable (Item 19B less 24) |
( |
26 |
Less: Tax Credits/Payments |
26A |
Monthly VAT Payments -previous two months |
26A |
( |
26B |
Creditable Value-Added Tax Withheld |
26B |
( |
26C |
Advance Payments of Sugar and Flour Industries |
26C |
(Data of the s |
26D |
VAT withheld on Sales to Government |
26D |
( |
26E |
VAT paid in return previously filed, if this is an amended return |
26E |
( |
26F |
Advance Payments made |
26F |
(Data of the s |
26G |
Others |
26G |
(Data of the s |
26H |
Total Tax Credits/Payments (Sum of Item 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 26E, 26F & 26G) |
26H |
( |
27 |
Tax Still Payable/ |
27 |
( |
28 |
Add Penalties: |
Surcharge |
28A |
(Data of the s |
Interest |
28B |
(Data of the s |
Compromise |
28C |
(Data of the s |
Total Penalties |
28D |
( |
29 |
Total Amount Payable/ |
26 |
( |
To enter amounts on boxes 20A-E, 23A-E, 26B, 26D, and 26E, see Making Adjustments on a Country Tax Report.
The values reported on boxes 26C, 26F, 26G, and 28A-C are from the data of the selected accounts upon Philippines tax return setup. To select an account and customize boxes 16 and 21N-O, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.
To view the Philippines quarterly VAT report in detail, see Viewing a Generated Country Tax Report.
For information about the reporting features of Country Tax Reports, see Tax Reporting Framework.
Related Topics
- Philippines VAT Report: Quarterly Summary Lists of Sales and Purchases
- Philippines VAT Report: Monthly Return Form 2550M
- Installing Tax Reporting Framework
- Roles and Permissions in Tax Reporting Framework
- Setting Up Country Tax Reporting Preferences
- Generating Localized Country Tax Reports
- Viewing a Generated Country Tax Report
- Making Adjustments on a Country Tax Report
- Exporting a Country Tax Report
- Electronic Tax Filing in Tax Reporting Framework
- Customizing Localized Tax Returns
- Assigning a Tax Reporting Category
- Country Tax Reports in Tax Reporting Framework
- Tax Reporting Framework Error Codes
- Known Limitations of Tax Reporting Framework