Limitations and Guidelines for Consolidated Electronic Invoices
You must make sure the following guidelines are considered for using consolidated electronic invoices:
The E-Document Template field on the transaction must not have any value for the transaction to be eligible for consolidate invoicing.
If the e-document generation fails, the consolidated transaction CTT record is deleted. The consolidated transaction CTT records cannot be duplicated or copied.
Avalara Malaysia Consolidated Outbound Transaction template is used for e-document generation.
The following are the limitations for consolidated electronic invoices:
You can consolidate only 2000 invoices at a time.
Header discounts are not supported for the invoices selected for consolidation.
You cannot process multiple consolidations at the same time. You must wait till the previous consolidation is completed before starting new consolidation request.
Only Invoice transactions are supported for consolidations.
Only one consolidation transaction CTT record must be open at a time to avoid duplicate submissions.