Inbound E-Documents

Inbound e-documents are transactions in electronic format received by an organization from external sources such as suppliers, partners, or customers.

You can manually upload these XML file references into NetSuite as inbound e-document records, which are subsequently converted into vendor bills.

Prerequisites for Inbound E-Documents Processing

You must make sure the following prerequisites are met for processing inbound e-documents:

  1. Configure Displaying the E-Documents Portlet on the Home Page.

  2. Before you import the inbound e-documents, you must make sure:

    • For a single vendor the item description in the inbound e-document must match the value in the Vendor Code/Name field on the item record.

    • For a multiple vendors the item description must match the value in the Vendor column on the Vendors subtab.

Creating vendor bill from inbound XML file reference:


A vendor bill transaction is created from the uploaded XML file. You can view the status or error messages by going to Setup > E-Document and selecting E-Document Audit Trail subtab on inbound e-document record.

  1. On the E-Documents Portlet on the Home page, click the Upload Inbound E-Document link.

    The Inbound E-Documents page displays the following fields:

    • Transaction Type indicates the transaction (bill, bill credit, or sales order) that will be created consequently of the conversion.

    • Vendor or customer field depending on Transaction Type selection.

    • Source indicates Manual Upload by default.

    • Reference Number and PO Number receive values from the XML file reference that you will upload. These fields will have values after conversion to a transaction record.

    • E-Document Status indicates the status of the newly created inbound e-document.

  2. From the Transaction list, select Bill as the transaction type.

  3. From the Vendor list, select the vendor who sent the XML file.

  4. In the XML File Reference field, click +and select the XML file that you will convert into a transaction record.

    The XML File Reference dropdown list displays files stored in the File Cabinet. Ensure that you select an XML document that is well-formed and valid, with the .xml file extension; otherwise an error will be generated.

  5. In the E-Document Template list, select Malaysia Inbound Transaction Template.

  6. If you want to attach the PDF version of the XML document, click +on the PDF File Reference field, then select the PDF file you want to associate with this record.

  7. Click Save.

Inbound E-Document Template

You can add the inbound Malaysia Inbound Transaction Template by going to Setup -> E-Documents -> E-Documents Templates.

The following is the inbound template mapping for your reference.

            <#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":"urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2", "cac":"urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2", "cbc":"urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"}> 
"tranid": "${XML["D:Invoice"]["cbc:ID"]}", 
"trandate": "${CUSTOM["trandate"]}", 
"duedate": "${CUSTOM["duedate"]}", 
"memo": "${XML["D:Invoice"]["cbc:Note"]}", 
<#if CUSTOM["currency"]?has_content> 
"currency": "${CUSTOM["currency"]}", 
"item": [ 
<#assign index=0> 
<#assign taxcodeString="taxcode_"> 
<#list XML["D:Invoice"]["cac:InvoiceLine"] as item> 
"vendorcode": "${item["cac:Item"]["cbc:Description"]}", 
"vendorname": "${item["cac:Item"]["cbc:Description"]}", 
"quantity": "${item["cbc:InvoicedQuantity"]}", 
"rate": "${item["cac:Price"]["cbc:PriceAmount"]}", 
"taxcode": "${CUSTOM[taxcodeString+index]}", 
"custcol_myei_item_exemption_reason" : "${item["cac:TaxTotal"]["cac:TaxSubtotal"]["cac:TaxCategory"]["cbc:TaxExemptionReason"]}", 
"description": "${item["cac:Item"]["cbc:Description"]}", 
<#assign index++> 
}<#if item_has_next>,</#if> 


You can customize the inbound template based on specific requirements. For more information, see Understanding Inbound E-Document Templates in JSON Format.


Currently, Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp supports creation of only vendor bills by manually uploading the XML file references. For more information about inbound e-documents, see Overview of Inbound E-Document Processing.

General Notices